he can't be stopped Marked for deletion (Old)
Like my PENIS
Such a gay ass assassination photo. Pic rel is much cooler
>>111123Guy's americans are fucked, this basically means Trumps definitely gonna win the election and he want's to ban porn and that means BANNING LOLI.I think we should say some prayers for our american brothers and sisters.
>>111126loli is constitutionally protected as far as anyone has been willing to argue (freedom of expression bby), and this is strong enough that US web hosting providers can be willing to host it, although the very existence of obscenity as a concept does throw a wrench into that potentially depending on how loose or broad of a standard is appliedbecause in a very literal sense, the idea of fetish porn being legal is an actual tossup that lacks the case law for anyone to be particularly certain (even if what cases have come up in recent times are tending towards legal), and loli h-art absolutely is fetish porn ( ´,_ゝ`)it is legal to possess obscene material but it is not legal to send it or receive it (;´Д`)the standard of obscenity has gotten narrower over time to the point where I'm not actually sure what would trigger it outside of someone being specifically out for you in particular thoughas far as I can tell the concept of obscenity is unconstitutional and I will fucking die on that hill, the concept is a poorly defined category of unprotected speech and that's bullshit, it is a made up loophole to get around first amendment protectionsbut there's a bunch of shit that is well entrenched law that isn't getting changedfor example, almost any legislation that brings up the commerce clause as being the reason why it is allowed is complete constitutional overreachthe over-leverage of the commerce clause is what brought the US from a loose coalition of what were essentially separate countries (there is a reason why the term state was used) into an singular nation with strong federal rule and there's no chance of that ruling being changed since it would invalidate pretty much the entire governmentbut obscenity is at least not such a bedrock concept that removing it as a concept would unduly affect the government's ability to operatedumb shit: there is a chance that goatse might be literally illegal as obscene material and linking it would be a federal crime in that case -- it almost certainly isn't, but who fucking knows, obscenity is a genuinely bullshit legal conceptthings like goatse haven't come up in court and the definition of obscenity is some loosy-goosy nebulous shit so who fucking knowsthere have been extremely few obscenity cases in recent history and the standard has been getting narrower, at leasttl;dr: porn as it stands now is probably protected in the US (since if it wasn't, it is obscenity and thus federally prosecutable!) but who fucking knows, a bought judge or justice could absolutely fucking claim the other way and ruin everything
>>111129I think the concept of truly being 'constitutional' has become unpopular and only useful when political retards want to blackmail other political retards, so it totally could happen and we would totally have to do drug-deal style transactions with our loli eromangas. People don't actually care about that and know politics and law are hypocrisy and dishonesty, now it's just who can sell themselves the best. Free market.People say this a lot but I think with the amount of glaring contradictions in the American system and the general psyche of American society, coupled with and exacerbated by the batshit events happening over the past ten years, bundled with internet echo chambers turning everyone's grandma into a mystic space communist nazi, this is the beginning of the end. Whether that end is with fire and brimstone or a slow and methodical dissolution of American society's framework is something I can't predict, but whatever the problems America will have the rest of the developed world will have at maybe a .30 multiplier.I won't really care about needing to use Tor to look at Danbooru, it's Heyuri, we're familiar with that. I won't care how many people die in an unofficial civil war, I hope as many people die as is necessary. What I care about is with America fallen, we lose our greatest export...Fat women!
>>111131In fact, the sole reason the Thirteen Colonies agreed to unite together in 1776 and kick the British out was because they unfairly taxed their fat women sales.This, of course, is the first thing they teach us in history class. It is known. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
>>111125I survived this btw.
Wasn't the whole "Project 2025" really blown out of proportion by progressive media? Also Trump himself recently was slowly distancing himself from it
>>111126https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda_47Not once has porn been mentioned here. The democrat parties are purposely confusing Project 2025 with it to gain votes. And it's working, unfortunately. Project 2025 will realistically never be implemented in a million years and Trump-sama has described his disgust for it.>>111125Is that Michael Jackson? Σ(;゚Д゚)
picrel are teh real ppl that should be in government stuffz
>>111191the US has a lot of shit that should objectively be protected and isn't since the truth is that the protections are just words to be interpreted by a judge as he sees fitand there is a LOT of judicially driven extra-legislative shit in the USwe talk a lot about being the land of the free but it is nowhere near as clear cut as it should be again, obscenity as a concept is an attempt to make a loophole into the first amendment, and it's bullshit┐(゚~゚)┌
There's no better spot the bullet could've hit him for both the badass factor and simultaneously being the most superficial wound possible. It's a trope in action movies/TV for a reason.
>>111223yotsuba: presidentdaddy: vice presidentjumbo: minister of defenseyanda: jailed for crimes against yotsuba
>>111230>yanda: jailed for crimes against yotsubahow long will he serve in teh jail?
>>111251forever!unless he realizes yotsuba is the best in everything and vows to never be a bad guy again
>>111252>unless he realizes yotsuba is the best in everything and vows to never be a bad guy againi'll be praying 4 him
the shooter just got identified, poor bastard
Wake up, sleepyhead!
I haven't been paying much attention to this, but apparently the shooter was in an ad for BlackRock...In other words, black rock shooter!
>>111312>but apparently the shooter was in an ad for BlackRockwhat did he mean by this?
>>111306Damn is that him? Gorefiends know how to get the goods
>>111312Imagine going to a place called black rock and then shooting somebody
>>111315and ofc the guy to the right has a shirt that says 66 LMAO. I'd like to see the full original commercial without the fucking added titles and edits.
i wish he was shot, i was telling my friend how great it would be if he was just a few weeks before this happened not because i dislike him, but because i want america to turn into a massive riot so people will stop trusting the government and democracywe could've had marshall law but the shooter missed
>>111409This is lame. Politics is incremental reform. Just go to town hall meetings.
>>111411i'm sure you can say that when the government hasn't stolen an absolute shit ton of money from you, through taxes or otherwisefor example my dad who's a victim of embezzlement (stealing from a company) is getting ready to sue his business partner for possibly as much as a million, but after lawyer fees and tax, all we'd have out of that million is less than half of it, despite it all being stolen from himthe customs also stole $2600 worth of stuff in packages from me directly and has refused to cooperate whatsoever, despite none of the stuff in my packages being illegal or suspiciousi HATE the government, its not political, its personal at this point, they have personally wronged me and i want fucking blood
>>111413also to be clear its not like my family was ever rich to begin with, we never had a million, because that whore of a business partner has been preventing him from getting any of the money in the first place or even knowing it was stolen like a fucking pig
>>111409you assume trump voters would do anything other than type angrily on the internet, yell angrily at a few unarmed protests, buy more guns that they'll never use no matter how many lines are crossed, then vote for whoever trump's replacement would've been.
>>111420Agree with this post.>2 MORE WEEKSexposed Qtards hard and we all know americans wont use their guns like they say they will(no greentexting)
>>111420>>111421i do4 years ago i wouldn't say the same thing, but i think it would've been a step in the right directionthe country has been siding with trump for the past year, so what would've happened if the person they've been putting all their hope in was removed from the stage?nobody trusts biden, and nobody cares or thinks highly of the other republicansthe country would be at a point where everybody will feel like the government is forcing them to accept someone they dont wantat the very least, it will demolish what little public trust people had left in the government
anyways, enough talking about politics, i just wanted to say i regret that this stuff didn't stir up trouble, mostly because it would've been really funny, nothing moreno point in arguing whether it actually would've, because it didnt in the first place
>>111421I think just about the only thing that would get americans to use their guns is food shortages. When the average american can't get his hands on a cheeseburger for a week or two that's when shit will really hit the fan.