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When @Chat was introduced, I was concerned that it would suck. I gave Heyuri a chance and didn't want to shit on mod's effort to port a new functionality to site. But right now, I just think Heyuri would be better off if @Chat were gone...

I would've liked to know WTF happened with bobo the chimpanzee but that was only shared in @Chat (albeit for understandable reasons i reckon), not even in the wiki. There was a Valentines card made by Angel in the homepage, but I have no idea of where it came from, so I'm assuming @Chat. It's like Heyuri has a backstage, which definitively wasn't like that before.
Everything during Bunkasai2023 was made publicly with no problem.

Separating users
I believe there's a group of friends which formed around the concepts: namefag-@Chat-CGI. And the group doesn't mix with the other users, but I think they could.
Someone who doesn't spend their time glued in front of a chatroom to follow what happened yesterday between 2 namefags, has no chance to understand what's being said most of the time in @Chat, and will be left behind. A big chunk of the wiki is undecipherable to most of the users, see what I'm talking about?
In the other hand, I feel some of the namefags barely even use the boards... (unless they've been all posting anonymously without me noticing, in which case... good job! ph34r)

Bulletin > chat
Liek >>66295-san said, @Chat has become Heyuri's de facto cultural hub, but it does a terrible job at it. Interesting info is drowned in hundreds of messages of namefags fooling around, which is funny but I can't read lines and lines of backlog, and everything past 200 messages gets baleted anyway. The discussion is moar organized with boards.
Also what's nice with bulletins is that anyone can join at anytime, while if ur 1 hour late in a real-time chat, the discussion is already over. Sometimes you'll ask questions to namefags and they'll never answer you because they don't know you. You're sure to have a discussion with all Heyuri users if you post in the boards, and not with the 10 people currently online in a chatroom. Interesting discussion should be moved to Off-Topic, Lounge and Strange World, @Chat is basically redundant.

Siphoning activity
We have moar users but Lounge, and maybe Strange World, are way less active than before. It's a shame, the spirit there is different from any chatroom. banana

Private OC
The OP picture and many others were posted in the chat but never outside of it. kaguya told them to also post in the boards at first, but he's given up now. It frustrates me to associate such a WINful picture with my negative message, so I implore the OC makers to at least release the OC they posted there, on /b/ and /o/ for example. That way it can be archived, and enjoyed by everyone!

Le Drama
Hopefully not that true in here, but I see sometimes namefags getting irritated at each others for personal reasons(?) Doesn't bother me since it's not my business, but it feels wrong to see Heyuri used for SRS BUSINESS.

I've seen 4chin projects with a shitcord server and they suffered the exact same symptoms. I don't absolutely want mods to pull back something they've worked on and the namefags to stop having fun, but yknow... at least some discussion about it.
I'm saying all of this because Heyuri has definitively changed and I feel a bit disconnected from it now.
>When @Chat was introduced, I was concerned that it would suck.
actually I was actually excited about the meido roleplay, wish it happened. ヽ(´ー`)ノ but I got worried because of my previous experience with shitcord projects.

Anyway sorry for the tl;dr (;´Д`)
DISK LAMER: I translated, modified, and currently operate Chat@Heyuri (though all Heyuri staff-san help moderate it), so keep that in mind

Regarding secrecy/missing out on stuff: I'd argue it's the same kind of "ephemeral" experience u get with fast-moving imageboards, like the ones Heyuri is heavily inspired by. Much of Heyuri's past OC did not have the threads related to them archived, and now they can only be understood by asking those who were there to explain them (which we're usually happy 2 do unless it's drama related). Keeping public logs of everything would ruin that I think, in the same way that archive sites can often detract from the ephemerality of imageboards

Regarding separating users: there's a subset of Chat regulars who choose to not use teh other boards for various reasons, but many of that subset are users who either have little interest in imageboards, or were to some extent "driven away" from them by teh couple of name/trip-hating n00bs that caused a ruckus over them. Overall, I don't think the demographics of Heyuri's "traditional" boards has changed much since Chat was added back in December - at least beyond teh usual change. I also don't think there's any real reason to force users into using areas of the site they're not interested in

Regarding activity: I've been keeping track of Off-Topic's post's per month, and there's not been a notable decrease since Chat's launch in December - there was a notable dip around September-November (going from roughly 4000-5000 PPM to 2700-3300 PPM), then a big bump in December (5400 PPM), then back down to 3700 PPM in January. I think the slumps line up with exam periods more than anything else

(sidenote: there used to be users who complained about Strange World back when it was going toe-to-toe with Off-Topic's activity, so it's a little funny to me seeing users be concerned that Chat is taking activity away from Strange World xd)

Regarding "private OC": ...yeah, I wish OC makers there would at least post their image-based OC on teh imageboards - or at least use our own Uploader (formerly 2ちゃん) instead of catbox so we can find it!!!

Regarding drama: so far it's been no different to any other area of Heyuri in terms of drama. There's as much "drama" there as there is here or on Off-Topic - in fact I would say that Site Discussion is the current king of drama...


Chat can be just as much of a pain in teh butt to deal with from a moderation perspective as any other area of Heyuri, so I'm not completely opposed to closing things down just to reduce the amount of things I/others are actively monitoring. Many users seem to like it though, so I'm not eager to do that unsure

Hakoniwa Chat on teh other hand... I'm more eager to kill that off xd
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>In the other hand, I feel some of the namefags barely even use the boards... (unless they've been all posting anonymously without me noticing

We are all around you...
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Speaking of namefags, that Cosmo chick sure is a hamster loving LOSER
I'm all for deleting hakochat now that we have the improved island guestbooks. It's usually too srs and leads to island drama.
It can still happen, it just seems noone wants to go thru the time investment of reading the book or filling the character sheets. Anonwaha made a better chat with built-in dice so we could use that if at least 2 other people want to play.
I wanted to play, but I forgot and by the time I remembered, teh thread had already died and I thought maybe it wasn't gonna happen. Maybe soon then?
I also had an idea that maybe we could do it in Gikopoi. We could make character sheets for everyone interested one day and play another. I will make a /b/ thread later.
/b/ should be deleted biggrin delete /b/ please
I typically don't use the main site to often. I really started getting on Heyuri more often when CGI came out. it was mostly playing PartyII, witch led me to browse the main site more often. just because a user post OC on a different part of the board (say if it was lounge and some sick AA art) it dose not really harm Heyuri. Its just said user found something that they like about this site. Who is to know if the feature is gone that they wont also be gone?

Now the issue with namefag or tripfag. That will never go away. If it did then it will become flagfag or just anythingAPersonDoseToIdentifyThemSelf-fag
how did they post that OC on chat? you mean they posted a link to it?

could we maybe keep heyuri as it is but have a chat window on the top of the page on the right? Does anyone remember that little chat window that used to be on the top right of some flash game site a decade or so ago? that's more or less what I'm talking about, this way if someone wants to keep track of the chat lore they can just scroll up
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>could we maybe keep heyuri as it is but have a chat window on the top of the page on the right?
I was very confused about what this meant, so I tried to make a crude mockup to represent how I imagined what you said. Is this kinda close? unsure
yeah something like that, i also think of making it wider and with a text bar so people can type directly there without needing to go to cgi
i remember some site where i'd play hacked plazma burst 2 had something similar
I can try making an alternative small/cut-down UI for teh Chat, then it's just a matter of somebody else figuring out how to have a persistent window on kokonotsuba containing an iframe or whatever

I dunno if such a thing would be best done through modifying kokonotsuba itself, or adding it through javascript wizardry unsure
...actually that mite b harder than I first thought dark

1. there will always be cliques of users
2. different boards will always attract their own kind and be distinct
3. I forgot... fuck it

> everything past 200 messages gets baleted anyway. The discussion is moar organized with boards.
oh my gaaad its disappearing!1 WHAT???? like things dont just disappear. you've read the buddha haven't you??? E V E R Y T H I N G is fleeting my friend

yeah just wear a clownsuit like clownpiece and rape kids in your basement with soldering iron


PLZ FILTER The word nigger to MASTURBATING MONKEY pleasze I am a black man and I use BSD BSD BSD BSD FAGGOT KAGUYA is Linux looser.

In short, we shouldn't be too harsh to judge chat and this is merely complaining over nothing significant. The downtime on /lounge/ probably is much more related to the decline in general of text based bulletin boards which has been going on for some time now. Personally, I dislike /b/ and prefer to stay on /lounge/ and chat because it feels safer. /b/ is repetitive and there's been a general decline in quality over the last few years. This is obviously due to it being modelled (at least aesthetically) on 4chan's /b/ but feels more like a slower rule 8 abiding [s4s]. Its name and mere existence attracts the very kinds of people we have been fleeing from. I hope you keep this in mind.
I kinda regret typing too much and using big words liek "Secrecy", but the replies are interesting ヽ(´ー`)ノ

>I'd argue it's the same kind of "ephemeral" experience u get with fast-moving imageboards
I get the "you had to be there" mindset, but still @Chat is too fucking fast dark A lot of times the backlog gets replaced in one night...

>I also don't think there's any real reason to force users into using areas of the site they're not interested in
>Who is to know if the feature is gone that they wont also be gone?
That's the tricky part, and why I didn't advocate for outright deleting @Chat, but at least discuss about it. (the situation and rules have changed since I posted the OP and I'm all for keeping @Chat and its inhabitants now)

>or at least use our own Uploader
OC being lost in our own uploader's archive or another's makes no difference! I sometimes went patrolling on up.heyuri but it's way too tedious + i bet no one else does this... Lately there even was a cool iruyeh-tan design proposal, but it's worthless if noone knows about it!
maybe I'll maek a OC dump thread on /b/, that'll be a good occasion to post the OC that me and others' been missing out on.

>Hakoniwa Chat
Maybe that's where teh drama I saw was coming from.

Fucking lol'd. u hate /b/ because it's liek [s4s], I haet @Chat bc it's liek Discord. we aren't so different ヽ(´ー`)ノ
>1. there will always be cliques of users
as far as I know it wasn't that way before @Chat.

>how did they post that OC on chat? you mean they posted a link to it?
Yeah, they send catbox.moe links
>...actually that mite b harder than I first thought
I knew it xd

plz kami-sama make the meido rp happen
>OC being lost in our own uploader's archive or another's makes no difference!
It's completely different - catbox links can't be discovered if u miss the URL being posted (and can't be viewed regardless if it's an expired litterbox link), while Heyuri's uploader has a public list of links to every file contained on it in numerical order sweat2

I check it for new stuff regularly, and did so even b4 I had the ability to moderate it!

>I haet @Chat bc it's liek Discord
It's nothing like dicksword - IRC and web chat rooms were HUEG in teh 90s and into the 2000s, and there popular chat services like CompuServe/NIFTYServe's CB Simulator going back to the 80s. This is what Chat@Heyuri is akin to, with a little "Heyuri sparkle" on top - not a freaking notorious 2015+ gaming VoIP/chat/spyware "web app" with all kinds of AIDS attached to it dark

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