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Previously we have discussed about advertising Heyuri through good videos' comment section, but what about if we made a video ourselves? nyaoo

I just saw this video on my YouTube recommendations bar, which gave me the idea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl9x03FuIQM (Title: 2000s otaku/net/anison playlist) - it had had over 2000 views in 10 months.
I know there is also a similar video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3coRQmSkBWU ) with over 1.4 million views in less than a year too xd

If I were to do it, it would have a similar theme - which I think already fits Heyuri quite well. We should put eye-catching image that would grab people's attention to watch the video. Additionally, we could add some text like "If you enjoy these songs, come talk to us on https://img.heyuri.net/b/ !"on the image, and also on song's description.

Well, I don't have a Google account myself nor know how to make videos, but it shouldn't be too hard. sweat2

If you liek the idea surely someone would be willing to upload it to youtube, compiling songs together should be fairly easy for someone else who is skilled once we decide on the cover image and the songs to include.

Needless to say, we can create more videos like this in the future, covering other topics and themes too. I just recommend doing one thing at a time. rolleyes

Anyways, tell me what do you think please. If you liek it, we should open /b/ thread after Heyuri Album 2's deadline on March 22 for organization since a lot of users only check /b/
I like the idea. That TMM guy who interviewed you would be a good fit to do the video.
this would definitely be the way to attract more lurkers, especially younger ones.
i hate the y2k shite as much as the next guy but right now (if not last year) is the perfect time to act on something like this as internet culture nostalgia amongst youngsters seems to be at an all time high.
people are more willing than ever to learn about the older ways and integrate themselves into it.

My stylistic suggestion would be to have a quick, easily sharable, eye-catching animation like the first video you linked followed by a cute oekaki drawing, akin to the infamous Heyuri-tan Dreaming Vidlii ad, to play the songs over.
Kagunyaa nyaaan~~ thanks for the first mix! love

also i like this idéa! biggrin
>That TMM guy who interviewed you would be a good fit to do the video.
Yeah, i'm willing to do it. I need a good idea, though sweat2
you aren't alone, we would discuss details on /b/ later nyaoo-closedeyes

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