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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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From now on, you can submit the banners you create to https://2ch.sh/user/banner/
I've first proposed this on a townhall one year ago (16th point on >>60899) (I can't believe it has been one entire year since sweat), and also promised doing it in near future at >>61248 when I took over... Here it is rolleyes

Bonus: Clicking on banner changes it smile
Banner 22 and 26 are the same
So are 56 and 27
65 and 68 are duplicates from 7 and 1!

also my hakouden zero banner seems to be lost media since it's not there and I didn't save it from 2020 (;´Д`)
Thank you, removed duplicates smile

>also my hakouden zero banner seems to be lost media since it's not there and I didn't save it from 2020 (;´Д`)
I'm sad for that, at some point last year I noticed some banners were missing (assuming it was after we changed our board software). I tried to recover them myself but couldn't find all, so chances are slim unless someone had it saved
I've been saving all the banners I can since TEH CRASH in July 2020 - I helped restore as many as I could from available archives at that time, but some from before then may have been lost forevar cry

I have 73 banners saved locally, so I don't think any post-TEH CRASH banners are missing from /banner/
>I have 73 banners saved locally,
Before the recent thread about banners, we had 66 (non-duplicated) banners on /banner/
..unless you saved them, then in that case it's same as on /banner/
I saved them smile

I just went through /banner/ to check if I was missing anything, and I noticed:
- 69 is a duplicate of 15
- 51 is a duplicate of 28
- 50 is a duplicate of 37
- 45 is a duplicate of 29
- 34 is a duplicate of 8
- 33 is a duplicate of 2
- 16 is a duplicate of 14

I was missing banner 10, so that makes 74 saved locally, and 66 uploaded to /banner/... I guess there are some missing after all huh
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That's a lot of duplicates dark
Removed them, thanks for reporting. They were also duplicated on the banner directory the whole time before now
That was just momentarily before rebuilding the boards, should be fixed now.
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Went through my collection to see exactly which ones are missing, here they are

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I thought I had lost it forever..
FUN (not fun) FACT: The banners now get blocked if you have RU AdList enabled on uBlock Origin due to the URL trigerring the "||net/banners/" filter dark
Got ahead of that biggrin

I must go now, will add the rest of banners submitted ITT and on /banner/ in few hours
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Should we really add banners like this? glare2
That's basically a wojak and the flag breaks the no politics rule, I'm gay and I wouldn't make a banner with the gay flag because the flag itself is political dark
wait it was already addeddark
well if Kaguya says its ok... I don't like it angry
It's just submitted, they need approval to be officially added
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Something broke, it tried to display banner086.gif, and while banner086 does exist, it's not .gif, but .png closed-eyes
Uhh, it's been a while since i've posted something with the tripcode, I hope this is the correct password

Im doing some banners, frist time doing a GIF, wish me luck nida
good luck reptid-san!
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I made some banners with some alternate versions, it is up to Kagy if he wants them or not wink

Thank you!
Those banners you made are AWESOME
I made a new one myself too I hope it's fine ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Congrats! Your banner is number 100!! cool
By the way, it looks kewl too!!
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i made a banner as i thought of new and fun ways to troll people with chens. Soooo....
LMAO キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!
very retro and animated
i had a great time making it. High chance i will make more of them in the future. nyaoo-closedeyes

i placed my name in the email
Moar than that, pez-san... blush
oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttt angryangryangrysweat3sweat3sweat3sweat3sweat3
Added the new bannerz
Maybe I should look into banning "#" character in e-mail field... This isn't the first time someone leaks his trip passwerd sweat2
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here's another one! more nekos! x3nyaoo-closedeyesnyaoo
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Here's another one! nyaoo-closedeyes
This took me about two hours to make but so far the best one i made. Soon will 50% of the banners be chen! Thats my goal! x3
cute banner, but chen is basically a forced meme...
i love chen and don't care. here's the original source.

かわいいから許す! Added

>Updated now with annotations!
So much translation effort is lost since they removed the annotations for some reason xp

But to be fair, chen is pretty forced for being a kawaii neko girl and she has been done so for over two decades now. Thus that also make her hard to replace so i never think any touhou will ever be out of place on the internet. It made a hard mark in the anime community. So a community like ours without touhou would be weird.

Some might argue you can over saturate with touhou but i really like it. Chen is cute after all.
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Here's mine:
    _, ,_ ∩
  ( ゚∀゚)彡 Heyuri!Heyuri!
FUCKING WIN!! but the H and E dissapear too fast before chen covers them
These seriously rock, arigatou pez-san biggrin
oh yeah, i'm not 100% pleased how it looks but at that point i feelt i wanted to finish it up. The issue is that I didn't want Chen to run backwards more than she already done, the solution for this would been to make Heyuri smaller.

Thank you for your support, it makes it all worth it! I will most likely make one or two this comming week, and are thinking of making somthing more heyuri related. even if chen is love Question is what. Im up for thoughts and suggestions. Im using after effect for animation.
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here's the sorce for this one if anyone is curious.
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I made another one to let users visit /lounge/ if they enjoy ASCII art.
so far 100% of users seem to (i'd say rightfully) haet parker, so what should we do about his banner submissions? unsure
Parker-san is weirdly adorable, even if he's sometimes a nuisance. I hope one day he finds a fellow b0rk-brained buddy who lieks AA and olympic mascots as much as he does x3
parkers a fag but his banners are good--add them!
definetely should... not like any valid emails contain hashtags l0l
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I made another banner biggrin
But i uploaded two with two different edit, so if you like it please use V2. sweat3
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It looked a lot better when it wasn't shrunk sad
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Here's the original
You could try making the font color red or another color to help it stand out
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I think this has potential as a banner. It made me LOL.

I haven't got photoshop on my craputer, but I can probably crop it in MS Paint, at least.
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>> 1984 KB
it's been awhile since i made a new banner, i enjoy making these nyaoo
This is gold!
I think this one would fit better as a gif that shows the second half too, the joke is kind of absent here sweat2
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Is there a maxsize for banners? This one might be to big(?) as it is 5.6 MB.
uploaded a smaller one.
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I also made a shorter one, maybe it's better as a banner?
Yeah, all other .gif banners are very short
I made banners that are about 10s that works, but this one was 20+ sweat2 I just liked the awkardness from madamare.
Add both
yeah, uploaded! - thanks wink
I've seen my banner (this one I made) a few times and it looks horrible, plus I'm worried it might promote spamming a certain character since its a banner and that's the opposite reason I started making the image in the first place. If its liked then it can stay but it looks pretty ugly to me now that I actually see it as a banner
The issue at hand is not posting images of Chen, the issue is flooding other threads with her and taking over another that thread. If someone wants to open a chen thread, that is still allowed as chen herself is not banned. Your banner is still thus ok. nyaoo2
I agree that the Chen banner is pretty ugly even though I have nothing against her.
also, did the Genshiken banner get added? I haven't seen it yet huh
Yes, i've seen the short Genshiken a few times. nyaoo
Yeah now that I've confirmed its not only me can mods take it off?
I meant people flooding threads with her, I made the image originally to mock the person doing it then I thought it would be a good banner. But now its obvious that its not only ugly but I'm worried it would also promote flooding threads with a single character like what was done in the banner
I think it's alright. Also banners in a way tell history of Heyuri, many of them being made based on posts, events or CyTube streams we had in the past. And Chen spam was a significant event, so I would leave the banner, even if it's not super pretty. Alternatively the original uploader coul make a higher quality version
making a higher quality version would be the best option happy
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I made an Umineko-themed banner. just wish I could make it look crisper, but I think I lack the technical expertise. what do you guys think?
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I'll post the sprite edits here in case anyone wants them down the line
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WINRAR biggrin
Awesoem, I added biggrin
WINRAR banner! I luv it! biggrin
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too generic?
lain would have been perfect if it where not for ꧁༒☬𝓐𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬☬༒꧂ people ruining it cry
don't let fags take the things you like. if they do, then call them fags and take them back!!
in any case, I think the banner looks alright even if I don't know much about Lain or her series nyaoo-closedeyes
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i maed LOL PENIS dizzy
too lainchan
Whatever the Western fans of an anime show from 90s are doing isn't Heyuri's business
65326-san gets it
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Here, have some AIDS!

Should this thread be locked by now, or is it still okay to post here? unsure
Thx for banner ヽ(´ー`)ノ

I'll eventually lock this thread too

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