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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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I'm making this thread for those of us who couldn't make it to the townhall but still want to discuss matters. Also becuz BBS > chat biggrin

According to teh logs (which you can find in full here: https://www.heyuri.net/_/townhall_6.txt ), the points of discussion were as follows:

1. Kokonotsuba bugs aren't high priority right now because Heyuri is being ported(?) to TinyIB
Townhall response: nobody commented on it but everyone clapped for Barry upon kuz's request

2. Thx 2 POTI-board's main developer for coming to Heyuri to help us and also listening to suggestions for the English translation

3. HeyuriRemix gets pretty much no traffic, what should be done with it?
Townhall response: nobody outside of the staff had even heard of it

4. 2ちゃん (AKA 2ch.cx) has a bug that allows for easy DoS attacks, but Nakura (the owner) has been MIA since November 29th - Barry is investigating the bug and it might be back online in a week, 2 weeks, or maybe tomorrow (the bug is very perplexing)
Townhall response: "yay"

5. Monthly anime = FAIL, maybe anime movie/OVA nights on a Heyuri cytube will work better
Townhall response: they agreed

6. Should kuz's wife be invited to the 6th Annual International Convention of Heyurizens?
Townhall response: opinions are mixed, but mostly yes

7. (skipped)

8.5. Heyuri imageboards used to have INFINITE PAGES™, but is it worth sticking to only having 5 pages if it makes them faster?
Townhall response: "yep"

8.5.ii. Bump limit for threads was recently increased from 3 days to 7, should it be increased/decreased or stay at 7?
Townhall response: townhall liek 7

9. ASCII D1CKZ (skipped)
Townhall response: no comment

10. Tell a Hitler joke
Barry: why wasn't hitler allowed to compete in the olympics?
Barry: he couldn't even finish one race
Townhall response: they LOL'd

11. (404)

12. Nonickname has been lurking #heyuri for years but has never spoken, what's up with that?
Townhall response: opinions range from "he's shy" to "he's an omnipresent being"

13. Heyuri has a bad reputation outside of Heyuri for various reasons. The Heyuri pro-war movement says that we must retaliate and destroy the enemy, while the Heyuri anti-war movement says that this will only create moar drama and we should maek friends instead - what do the masses think of this dilemma? Which will be more effective in improving Heyuri's reputation: war or peace? destruction or construction? haet or loev?
kuz: declares himself pro-war
kaguya: declares himself anti-war
Townhall response: mostly indifferent

13.ii. kuz suggests that most detractors aren't anti-Heyuri, but are instead anti-kuz - a proposed solution to end the war dilemma is kuz stepping down and giving kaguya the Heyuri crown. Do you think this sacrifice would save heyuri? or is it useless?
kuz: goes AFK to maek tea
kaguya: suggests some sites he would like to try befriending and cooperating with
kuz: returns and lays out some of the current problems with promoting Heyuri and says he thinks stepping down is a good idea
Townhall response: some deliberation but doesn't arrive at a concrete conclusion

14. Why don't you visit kolyma IRC?
Townhall response: answers range from "ayashii" to "i'm not talkative"

15. kuz suggests a conclusion on the War VS Peace question: people don't care and just want to post, but we should still befriend neutral sites and cease activities which provoke conflict or turn us into warmongers
Townhall response: "sure"
kaguya: wants to also make peace with hostile sites and clear Heyuri's name

16. What if there was a userboard on 2ちゃん where people could upload banners, like the /banner/ board we used to have?
Townhall response: "ye"
i fucking lol'd several times at this thread, its organizes the chaos of the townhalls into concentrated funny
What are ur personal thoughts about these points?
I started typing up my thoughts as soon as I made this thread, but it quickly became very long and then I became very tired, and since then I've either been too busy or feeling too exhausted to focus on it sweat2

Instead of continuing with that essay, I'll summarize the main points of what I wanted to say, and not repeat anything already said by others in the townhall itself:

- My thoughts on rewriting/porting the software are best expressed by this article from the year 2000 on "things you should never do" in software development:
https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2000/04/06/things-you-should-never-do-part-i/ (TL;DR - DON'T THROW OUT OLD CODE AND START ANEW!!!)

There's no reason to believe that a new script will be any better than what have now (or what we had before, or what we had before that...), but there are plenty of reasons to believe that our current software will be neglected until the new one goes live (which could be months away), that the replacement will be buggy for a long time, that it will be missing key features for a long time (possibly indefinitely like /all/), and that it will take up lots of time and energy from both staff-san and the users for no good reason, burning everyone out and stifling activity. After "TEH CRASH", Strawberry Heaven, the kuz reboot, and the slow and painful switch to kokonotsuba, I DO NOT want to have go through all that rigmarole again - especially not to just get back to where we already are now sweat3

- I think HeyuriRemix should at least be promoted and put in the board links before we decide if we want to get rid of it or not - I don't think anyone outside of Strange World was even told about it or shown a link to it until the townhall!

- I largely agree with what kaguya said regarding teh wars and how Heyuri should strive to be neutral/friendly to other sites/admins again, instead of being aggressive-by-default and occasionally picking fights with other sites/admins (which is extremely dumb and paints a HUEG target on our very small back)

- At this point in time, I think giving kaguya the reigns (or anyone else if they have what it takes), even if temporarily, could be a much-needed breath of fresh air - not just for Heyuri, but also for kuz and whatever other projects he has going on. I'd love to see a more active and engaged staff-san on Heyuri like we used to have in the lolico+kuz days, and like what we briefly saw while kuz was on vacation and kaguya was placed in charge. Regular updates and fun/cool things being added, frequent news posts (on Heyuri itself and not some other site), responsive staff-san on /q/, random fun events like CSS hax, and just a general enthusiasm for Heyuri. All those things really made this place feel ALIVE and worth hanging around back in summer 2020, but have scarcely been seen since

- This wasn't brought up, but if the file uploader script that Saint Nakuras was using is too hard to patch, as a last resort we could always switch to something else. While the current version doesn't quite fit Heyuri's aesthetic by default, KENT-WEB's file uploader script seemed to work pretty well in my initial testing, and it was last updated in December 2019. There's totally more uploader scripts out there, but most that I've encountered haven't been updated since teh early/mid 2000s
BTW, the bump limit on /q/ still seems to be 3 days
funny get
Speaking of townhall I uploaded a whole video of town hall #7 back in june but I totally forgot about it!!


I would have put it on vidlii but it is too long
Oh god sweat

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