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wait... so is everyone here underage/news?
i read through earlier threads and it seems to be.

not being mean but, neocities, spacehey, etc. it's all so lame and fake. people who can only copy and exaggerate what they saw in old screenshots but were never there themselves, so it can't help but exude falseness.

i wish everyone was 30+ so they were wise and deep with EXPERIENCE of the good old days.

i don't want to be with tiktokcord generation skinwalking as olds. i don't want to be fooled by lies.
am i in the wrong place
>i don't want to be with tiktokcord generation skinwalking as olds.
Well heyuri isn't like that... Heyuri is unique in its own way and that might not be for you.

>am i in the wrong place
with that mindset, you're probably better off elsewhere where you don't haet teh people that use it. ( ´ω`)
Rule 0 is 18+, not 30+!

Heyuri is inspired by ye web of olde, and some users like to post about old things, but Heyuri isn't exclusively about that. More than anything else, it's a place to have fun on the Internet

"Just to be clear. The ultimate dream goal of Heyuri is to surpass sites like 4chan and (Reddit) much like 5channel did in Japan. Eventually Heyuri will grow outside the image boards bubble and because of that the majority will be "gen-z". We will stick to our rules and enforce them properly. New users *will* learn the culture"

- lolico, 2020
I'm 30+ and while hearing kids complain about their exams as if they're being forced to go to college is annoying I don't see any better option than this place, imageboard or otherwise. If you desperately want a 30+ community I think wizardchan has a board for that but that site is nothing but depressed /r9k/ whining 24/7.
>The ultimate dream goal of Heyuri is to surpass sites like 4chan and (Reddit) much like 5channel did in Japan.
Ahh teenage delusions (;´Д`) imagine if Heyuri was as large as 2ch or Reddit. It would be chaos ( ˃ ヮ˂)
>i wish everyone was 30+ so they were wise and deep with EXPERIENCE of the good old days.
Most of the so-called oldfags I've seen posting here are nothing but boring conformists who always post the same thing
I am a proud ex-underage still with a flexible mind (not corroded after years of masturbation) and am able to fix and reinvent myself. My threads are more interesting than yours, you make no original content.
The bottom line is: I am more creative and more handsome than you will EVER be.
How do you exactly know how old someone is with anonymous posting, writing style and conversation topic aside?
Last 2 lines of your reply are epic copypasta cool
>How do you exactly know how old someone is with anonymous posting, writing style and conversation topic aside?
I've been here long enough to recognize certain recurring characters, not to mention the namefags
Who am i? How do you know their age?
>Who am i?
you're OP
and even if you aren't, my whole point still stands
>conformists who always post the same thing
That's not what "conformist" means. That's just "repetitive" or "unimaginative". A good example of a conformist is someone who goes to college or has a job.
yes, I am aware of that. I'm not saying they are conformists because they are unimaginative, I'm saying they are conformists AND unimaginative.
>A good example of a conformist is someone who goes to college or has a job.
>>A good example of a conformist is someone who goes to college or has a job.
I forgot to say that is also very untrue
*chan user since 2005 here (was hilariously underage back then)
one thing I've noticed over the several decades of my life is that old-school revivals never really capture what things were like way back when
that's just the nature of it

this place still feels more like how things were than anywhere else I've visited in a long time though, regardless of things seeming bit fake and pining to reestablish the glory days
fake it until you make it ヽ(´ー`)ノ
as a gen-z-er and a lolicon, the stuff on this site reminds me of what the “grown-up” culture of teenagers around me looked like when i was still in preschool, when life was good and i was physically close enough to a lot of my female friends to develop pedo complexes, so it kind of makes sense to me.
>> 14 KB
>be me
>trying to find anime porn to fab to
>stumbled upon chan
>bounce to the next site
>finish move on with life
>2014 rolls around (or 2013 i cant remember)
>remember 4choom
>moot sperging for being called out after cucking himself
>anons get hit with b& hammer for anti talk and loliposting
>hotwheelz shills 8chill
>i troll around there for a few years
>learn about tor, overchan, and chan culture to a fair degree
>lurk moar
>8notchill gets nuked
>irl pulls the plug and locks the game away for a few years
>drive gets nuked

currently iv been on a binge trying to collect old shit after my drive got nuked. i discovered this place while trying to find information on anayshiiworldo after learing about how it was the og of ogs when it came to chan culture from a youtube documentary about 4chong. While watching documentaries and reading archives i also realized that 4chan died long before i first ever discovered it. i dont know what 4chant was like before the first summer wave. i wasnt there for the first exodus. i missed out on the habbo raids. i was so late that i might as well showed up in a coffin. but i also wasn't there for the 2chan shananigans or the bbs wars. i want to know more. i want to know it all. i want to have been there and experienced it. even the eras when i wasnt even alive yet. but i cant. i wasnt there. i haven't been /here/ for long but i can already feel the energy is different than other chans. so much so that i would even dare to say that most other sites are imageboards but this site is a chan.

please lurk for another 5-10 years before posting again
>>be me
You weren't even alive back then lol rolleyes

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