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As you can see from this: https://t.me/kolymaofficial/36, kolyma has suspended operations, so naturally we aren't hosted by them anymore. We are fully independent, and I am in charge of everything, including hosting from now on. Kuz has had recent health concerns and can no longer run a hosting company full time.

However, I'm not in a situation to pay for the server bills (of all Heyuri, GUROchan, and some other imageboards, also sites like 2ちゃん and Ayashii), so kuz will continue to pay the server bills for the time being. He is paying out of our friendship, not for business reasons or a contract, and he said he is content with paying for as long as needed. This will be the case until I am ready to pay for myself, but I can't really promise a date on this due to my personal situation. I don't think I will have a stable job for a few years, or my salary will be worth anything in USD... But anyways.

In other news, it seems that Epik (who is our registrar) is having some troubles and may likely shut down soon. This means we need to move to another registrar soon, who would need to allow occasional lolicon and JK< panchira stuff we have on our boards - if you have any suggestions, I would like to hear. We are considering NameSilo.
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I come to love Heyuri in the short period I been here, and will forever be a newfag! It would sadden me to see something of this uniqueness die out. I also think we are on a frontier to something greater, a journey to grow both as a community and in scale. But - to see it die in vain would be a very disappointing. 

I wanna applaud, and heart fully thank Kuz for wanting to help finance the server cost. To make sure that Heyuri still stands strong, and stay alive! Without him, this would not be the place to be…

Thanks again, Kuz.
Thank you too, Kaguya.

For both of you wanting to keep Heyuri alive. 

I personally cannot help with any technical aspect of running a server, but IF times come, let’s talk.
Registrars don't usually care. Well, they started caring for the very first time with kiwifarms for some reason, but that's another story. The problem is hosting providers. But I don't think heyuri is so big that it can't reliably be self-hosted as is, is it? You could slap that shit on a raspberry pi and call it a day, even, so long as you can get a static IP or an IP resolution service.
You also don't have to worry about looking for another registrar yourself. If Epik does go out of business, they will transfer your domain to another registrar at their own expense. If you don't like THAT registrar then you can move afterward, but that's not usually a problem either.
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>Registrars don't usually care.
They do when it comes to anonymous imageboards and people sending complaints that a site contains "CP", "hate speech", etc. - you could see this first-hand during the whole "post-8chan diaspora" situation a couple of years ago, where every site was constantly scrambling to find new registrars that wouldn't immediately cave and kick them off at the first complaint of nekkid 2D lolis or users posting "nigger", even if those services claimed to support "free speech" (Epik was one of the hypocritical ones if I recall correctly) sweat2

Pic related is a screencap of a copypasta that went around at that time giving suggestions for hosts and domain registrars - things may well have changed since this was written 3 years ago, so take it with an onigiri-sized grain of salt

This is nothing new either - 4chan.net was suspended after 1 person sent an email complaint to GoDaddy (hence the move to 4chan.org), and plenty of imageboards between then and now have encountered the same obstacle. The Internet truly is Serious Business dark
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kaguya, idk if money is your problem right now but if it is then theres always a very simple solution. all you have to do is rent your body out to us.
Although registrars are technically allowed to do that, I don't know of any case where that has ever happened beside kiwifarms.

Let's look at the claim that 8ch was terminated at the registrar level. Here's the truth of it:
>"Yesterday, Tucows terminated N.T. Technology, Inc., the reseller for the domains that have hosted the 8chan forum, for violating the terms of the OpenSRS reseller agreement," Reg Levy, head of compliance for Tucows, said Nov. 7 in an email. "The specifics of the breach are a private matter." (OpenSRS is a domain reseller company owned by Tucows.)
Notice anything? 8ch itself was never terminated. What was terminated was N.T. Technology, Inc, a reseller. OpenSRS is an API service allowing resellers to resell Tucows domains and to put a 'for sale' storefront webservice on a given site.

That N.T. Technology is the 8ch parent company is immaterial, as is that it may have been terminated because of 8ch and not because of a real breach of service (although there is no proof, and I'm sure you're aware of the... competence... of 8ch "staff", so I think it's more likely they get terminated for causing a data breach).

The same trick was used when 8ch moved to Epik: Voxility was the hosting provider for their BitMitigate service and THAT is the thing that went offline, the 8ch name registration was not touched.

Similarly, other knock-down events like with spartan host/cnserver were at the host level, not at the registrar level.

Even getting a fraudulent site or a piracy site with a US ccTLD is nearly impossible in practice. Even DNSs argue they shouldn't moderate their content and therefore refuse to act except with a court order in their jurisdiction, and registries and registrars both take their duties to their clients very seriously for now.

So, of all things, being scared that loli will take your name away is, at best, putting the cart before the horse.

Not that this post is any recommendation to avoid looking into "better" registrars, just pointing out that your fear is significantly overblown.
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I (and the poster in the screencap) was not talking about 8chan itself - rather, the sites that popped up in the months following 8chan's "death" that struggled to survive against every attack tactic possible being thrown at them in attempts to kill them off

Loli was very much pointed to when these malicious "complaints" were being made, and that's why you'll see places like smuglo.li (who had to block their loli thread on their main URL to keep their primary domain), 8chan.moe, and various others with multiple domains sweat2
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Another screencap from the same time period
Here's the article mentioned
Once again it has nothing to do with the name registration. Epik cancelled its CONTENT DELIVERY SERVICE and NOT the name.

>hosted hosted hosted
Once again not a registrar issue.
Thank you for enjoying Heyuri! smile

That's what I would think too, but I have first hand experiences to know that registrars do care. Some so-called "privacy/free-speech" registrars have seized our domains over loli and gore, with no chance to transfer our domains to other registrars. It would be terrible if some registrar we blindly trust seizes heyuri.net domain too xp
As for the host, Heyuri isn't the only site on its server, so it's more economical to have one server for all the sites. I also can't self-host due to laws in my country and my internet speedz. Again, hosting issues aren't our worry for now.

Lusting after your admin is not right! blush
>Some so-called "privacy/free-speech" registrars have seized our domains over loli and gore, with no chance to transfer our domains to other registrars.
That's interesting and also horrifying. What were the domain names, so I can add them to my list of case evidence?
>hosting issues aren't our worry for now.
Are you referring to economic aspect of running Heyuri? Out of curiosity, how much would does it cost monthly? Depending on the cost I might see myself to step in...
>Here's the article mentioned
You may be misreading the screencap, which is fair since it's unclear sweat2

The portion of the post containing that link is quoting the email complaint sent to Epik by "Esther M. Aronowitz", and they were using Epik's involvement in 8chan's situation as an example ("you did this to 8chan, and 9chan = 8chan, so pls b& kthx!"). "Esther" was trying to get Epik to remove the site and blacklist Josh (9chan's founder) by claiming it was an 8chan rebrand. This complaint email got forwarded to Josh (the person who made the screencapped post) with an additional message from Rob Monster of Epik (9chan's domain registrar) saying that he wanted nothing to do with an "8chan rebrand" containing "child porn" (which was actually 2D loli pr0n) and "domestic terrorist content" (which was actually a /pol/ board). Josh then replied to Rob Monster saying that 9chan was not 8chan, and Rob replied (and this unfortunately is cut off) something to the effect of saying he didn't care, and didn't want it regardless

>Once again not a registrar issue.
Robi (admin of julay.world, not to be confused with Rob Monster of Epik) used unclear terminology, but by "domain hosted" he was referring to domain registration. 9chan.us had to become 9chan.tw due to Epik giving them the boot, with loli (which I'll reiterate, the complaint sender and Epik referred and/or alluded to as being "child porn") being one of the reasons
They were these two:
lolisare.fun (this was a nice domain!!)

The registrar was njal.la - They also blocked us on Twitter when we reached out to ask for at least transferring our domains to another registrar.
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Thanks for clarifying. Regarding the 9ch issue, Epik said
>We did make the election to not route 8Chan, though we are their registrar. The reason for this is due to concerns about the lack of adequate moderation of a completely anonymous website.
which was the content at the link provided by Monster. So that seems to be the one relating to 9ch as opposed to the previous link that was just in the complaint email, right? Here it's once again not the registrar but the DNS service, but maybe I'm still confused about what happened there? I wasn't even aware 9ch was ever a thing after all.

As far as I could gather, njalla is not a domain name registrar, it's a proxy service below a domain name registrar. It retains full legal ownership of the domain and merely "leases" it to you, is that right?
>Out of curiosity, how much would does it cost monthly?
Currently, around 200$ - But this includes other imageboards I am managing too. I was informed in the past that a Heyuri only (and 2ちゃん and Ayashii I guess, they wouldn't be significant next to Heyuri) VPS would cost around 15 to 25 USD depending on its quality.
That's not bad. When are you putting up a kofi/patreon/other donation source?
Thats a good idea with crowdfund, I will help fund it. happy
I don't mean to keep being a party p00per, but experience has taught me that most imageboard-related crowdfunding ends up getting pulled down by the platform provider before long. This happened to 4chan long ago, as well as 8chan and others sweat2

However, maybe if we set one up as a "Creator" who wants to produce "Original Content" instead... PROFIT??? unsure
Serious bznz aside, infinite OC generation, all the Heyuri-tan OC that we needs and deservs! biggrin

While on topic, money isn't an issue, the issue is wanting to stay anonymous while provind funds.
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I really appreciate your intentions, but there is a little problem: Heyuri's bandwidth and size isn't significant next to other sites combined, so in case I separate Heyuri to another VPS, I (or kuz) would still be paying that 200$ for other sites, making ur donations a bit meaningless. Again, kuz is fine with paying the bills, so we are not having issues regarding our host for the time being. And if you want to donate him, his BTC address is at https://www.heyuri.net/#news51
It's now we should burn the rest! Let them sink to the void of nothingness and bring Heyuri towards the top! happy
Does case 1 make Heyuri more vunerable to DDOS attacks?
We have the necessary DDoS protections, but so far most DDoS attacks to the server were performed through Heyuri anyways. Despite being on the smaller side of the sites, we get the most h8/spam tongue
have heyuri consume the other smaller boards and become the giant cannibal she was destined to be by moving them here dark
Kuz always wondered why we seemed to reject kolyma gobbling up Heyuri & the rest of the internet, while we simultaneously supported Total Heyuri Internet Domination

Well today I can reveal it's bcuz Heyuri = WIN and improves everything it touches by at least 5000% according to industry experts
We should offer exclusive contracts to the anons of other imageboards in order to steal the sites' best posters nyaoo-closedeyes
Can't get pulled down accepting Monero.
It doesn't get more private than that.
Epik? They sent me this e-mail a while ago.
>The past 10 months have been challenging at Epik. We're sorry for any inconveniences and frustrations that some of you may have experienced. The Epik domain platform is now under new ownership and management and moving forward we're committed to providing enhanced services and experiences for all Epik LLC users. To learn more about the transition, please read our press release.

>We're contacting you to provide a service update relating to service expectations in the near future:
All primary TLD registries are fully funded, ICANN has been made whole, and we are finalizing relationships with a handful of smaller ccTLD registries.
>We're working with ICANN to solve any outstanding issues.
>Our support team is up and running and working through a large volume of existing inquiries. We're answering emails in 1 to 2 business days. >We're answering nearly all calls in real time. Overnight chat support will be back online next week.
>In-store-credit can be spent in the online account.
>We are making some large changes to the websites, our client account, and the admin portal. As a result, some things may not work as expected. For example, Daily Diamond deals and NameLiquidate are currently under maintenance.
>The new Epik support team is here to help! If you tried to contact us before June 5th and you have an urgent matter, we ask that you reach out again.
>If you're having troubles with any part of the system, please reach out to our support team. We are committed to solving your problems! We appreciate your patience as we strive to provide an excellent domain experience.

Moved world2ch and other domains that don't rely on Epik hosting over to Porkbun, also because epik rips you off currently ($35 per year to renew a .net vs $11.48).

For those that do (e.g. screamer wiki), am just hoping they don't actually go under, but not holding my breath since they still owe millions in Masterbucks to people.
CloudFlare also is a pretty good registrar, as they sell domains at-cost.
Establish darknet presence immediately. Put the Tor & I2P addresses on the website so we bookmark them. This way even if all hosting and registrars boot you from clearnet, you can still maintain a constant address. This allows you to run the site from wherever without revealing your hosting IP, even if it's from your bedroom. I actually used to do that. For a small chan it works fine.

As for how to janny darknet posting (since you won't be able to IP ban), look at how Kohlchan does it with their proof of work thing. I would ease the difficulty though. Alternatively, you could develop something where a small Monero payment worth $0.01 ~ 0.05 can grant a posting token kinda like 4chan Pass. It's important to keep the costs very low though or nobody will pay.

Monero. Don't even bother with normie crowdfunding or payment processors. It's totally fucked.
Too "serious bussiness". As long as we can post loli pr0nz on normal net we can stay here. It's an anonymous imageboard not a terrorist cell sweat2
>a small Monero payment worth $0.01 ~ 0.05 can grant a posting token

Fuck no! Many people, me included, aren't going through all that trouble just for being able to post on some hentai forum. Bad idea.
leave it to freetards to overthink everything
most terrorist cells these days dont even care enough to put their stuff on the deep websweat2
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What trouble? Installing the tor browser is easy as fork and then just go to the fucken website.
Can confirm. Modern day terrorism is shit anyways.
He means that most people aren't gonna get an XMR wallet, buy the tiny tiny amount then send it for the token to use
When did they ever? All the classic jihadi sites were clearnet. If even they can get hosted, what do a few lolis matter?

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