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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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Any thoughts on adding /a/?
If you will, it should be titled "Anime" and not "Anime & Manga", because 4ch's /a/ was titled "Anime" until late 2006.
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We've had an anime board in one form or another at many points in the past ( https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Heyuri#Former ), but those boards were seldom used and weren't any different from Off-Topic in terms of the kinds of posts you could expect

So for the sake of not needlessly splitting the site's users/activity up and making moderation more of a hassle than it needed to be, they were merged with Off-Topic biggrin
Oh, cool!
Post more anime-topics would make my day! biggrin
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I just post one :)

And if kaguya adds an /a/ board, I promise to post three threads per week minimum, and to respond to every thread posted, AND to shill heyuri.net/a/ on 4chan.org/a/ with MysteriumVPN
I will reply and post later, however i do not want/a/ here... sweat3sad
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>shill heyuri.net/a/ on 4chan.org/a/
You can open 3 anime threads on Off-Topic every week, that's what we do already biggrin

You should also consider how would an Off-Topic board without anime look like. It would be boring if we separate anime from it with an /a/ board rolleyes
Yeah, besides, creating boards that aren't really needed or wanted ends up with them just having no activity after a while (/jp/ is a dead board right now, no idea what was kaguya thinking, nobody asked for a japanese language board)
>(/jp/ is a dead board right now, no idea what was kaguya thinking, nobody asked for a japanese language board)
Remember that Nihongoch died for this dark
We had one back in 2020, and there was a small demand for it... but even back then it was practically abandoned after the first 2-3 days sweat2

I think the main issue is that we don't have many fluent Japanese speakers or serious Japanese learners, so we can't drum up activity ourselves. The only alternative is to go around advertising on Japanese sites to pull in native speakers, but they have no real reason to come here unless they want to interact with foreigners b0rking up their languaging and joking around, which is probably fun for about 5 minutes

At the very least, Heyuri/jp/ is about as active as nihongoch was biggrin
Considering we're buddies with wapchan again, maybe we should just use their anime boards? They have a dedicated 2000s anime board that fits in with heyuri's theme. shii
>They have a dedicated 2000s anime board that fits in with heyuri's theme
It was us who suggested it to them after all...
Finding Japanese learners is harder than u would expect.. The biggest online community I could find is on Reddit, but I think I got shadowbanned there - the post I made got filtered immediately, despite asking permission from their mods beforehand sweat2
Finding Japanese people is considerably easier, there are some sites dedicated for Japanese people to read what foreigners (all-nationz, kaikaich etc)
DQOP (don't quote opening post)
Don't force a meme about not quoting the OP while you yourself are also making posts that quote the OP on /b/ angry

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