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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
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ok i took out the rule-breaking material, happy?


The Power of Friendship is the Strongest force in the Universe...
I think it's understandable if he wants to distance wapchan from NSFW stuff, especially if he is planning to associate his IRL identity with the site for some reason. So don't pick on ranchan for this please.

...Though I find trying to keep a site about old anime strictly SFW a bit odd, considering all the fan service in the shows unsure

He should probably have also notified other sites' admins about it. I am online enough to quickly notice it by myself, but I see the other site that was linked with wapchan is still linking back to them...
kaguya ur such a baka hentai!!!!!
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I probably should have notified you, sorry about that ┐(゚~゚)┌. Made this decision a few months ago after some discussions with my other staff. I'll be sure to notify mootxico. While I don't plan on associating my IRL identity with wapchan directly, I do plan on going back to making youtube content about old anime and vidya and promoting wapchan through that along with other means to get a slightly more "mainstream" userbase after I finish up the big UI refresh that I've been working on for a while (positioning the site more as an alternative to leddit/twitter for old content discussion and less as "chan culture" site, since this is how the site's culture has naturally developed), and I just felt that having really NSFW sites on the friends list would give off the wrong impression about the site, at least for the time being. I do want to state that this was nothing personal and I hope there is no bad blood between our sites, and we would still be open to collaborations in the future, or going on the friends list again if heyuri decides to moderate this kind of content more carefully. I am very happy that heyuri has had so much success recently! ( ´ω`)
>I find trying to keep a site about old anime strictly SFW a bit odd, considering all the fan service in the shows
Makes sense, but its more of /a/ style SFW rather than strict SFW, and we allow NSFW content as long as its censored. I would like wapchan to be the kind of site you can just browse casually in public.
>the kind of site you can just browse casually in public
I doubt your users even go outside biggrin
>and less as "chan culture" site, since this is how the site's culture has naturally developed)
That's the case with Heyuri too, but in a different way. Trying to get rid of NSFW stuff and be more "socially acceptable" isn't even a question for us: >>61120

But this is Heyuri. I wish wapchan to grow into the community you want it to happy
>no opposition to putting them back if they clean up their site
>or going on the friends list again if heyuri decides to moderate this kind of content more carefully
You can do whatever, but make no mistake: Heyuri IS moderated "very carefully", and is "cleaned up" - there's just a difference in what we want over here VS what j00 want over there

You have appropriate moderation for the end result you want to achieve, and so does Heyuri!
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Fair enough, we do have pretty different sets of rules after all. Wasn't trying to accuse you all of anything. rolleyes
By the way, do you all ever interact with soyjak.party, considering both sites are run under the Kolyma Network? I'm just asking because this whole thing started when some soy teens decided to "raid" our board. glare1
The only "interactions" we have with them is them raiding us from time to time.
We have a... complicated relatioship with kuz and his sites. But you probably want to know whether or not we're associated in any capacity with the soy raids on wapchan, the answer to which is a firm NO
>By the way, do you all ever interact with soyjak.party, considering both sites are run under the Kolyma Network?
People often overestimate what it means to be hosted by Kolyma. It's not accurate to say Heyuri is "run under the Kolyma Network", but it's a complex matter that ultimately doesn't matter anyways.
Anon above is right, our relation with them is just them trying to raid and steal our GETs sweat2
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>and I just felt that having really NSFW sites on the friends list would give off the wrong impression about the site
That's not the only reason, ranchan, is it?
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And yet again people still associate heyuri with kuz glare1 Even though he hasn't been an admin for over a year!
Lol, willing to bet some wapchan users were annoyed about the soyjak raid. But considering a different site unrelated to heyuri was also removed from the friend page, kuz probably wasnt the main reason behind all this
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Heyuri shouldn't be associated with a site that has a soyjak board anyway xp
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Wapchan's admin caved in to the jackposters, meanwhile our gloruious leader kaguya has been bravely fighting the horde. Weak boards die, strong boards survive. Wapchan will be just another FAILed altchan.
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Seems like this board was merely proposed, and based on his comments will probably not be added. And as kaguya said, let's not turn this into a us vs them or betrayal kind of thread, wapchan simply wants to go its own way on good terms.
>soyjacks/frogs aren't banned on here
Even though there's (still?) no soyjack board, they are allowed. Not really a site we should associate with. And since they don't want to associate with us because of NSFW content, it seems that our frienship was never meant to be.
Don't go so far. The friendship has mutually benefited us. There is a retro anime-related thread on Off-Topic now, so at least sites' contents were close enough to be friends at the time

I am not really sure if his approach to s*yjaks will be popular with his users, but that's for ranchan to decide - let's not butt in to another site's affairs xd

his post on wapchan: https://wapchan.org/meta/res/713.html#862

There isn't anything more to discuss that relates to Heyuri, so let's stop here.
Quick, kaguya, call kuz! Tell him to buy wapchan to save it from dying from all these raids. Maybe kaguya could even merge some wapchan boards with Heyuri?
That's a pretty disingenuous way of looking at things. When wapchan made their friendship with heyuri, the site was only about a month old, and probably had a pretty loose culture and a tiny userbase. Now that the site is approaching a year and a half with a (somewhat) larger userbase and a more defined culture, it's understandable that they may want to go in a different direction than us. They aren't even banning mentioning heyuri or anything, they just don't want to link the site because it has more explicit content than their rules allow now, and that's their decision to make at the end of the day.
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chan wars are serious business! rolleyes
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I did not expect this to be so controversial. But it is nice seeing that people cared about the friendship... Maybe I'll add a NSFW friends page with a disclaimer, I just don't want wapchan users to think we have the same kinds of rule sets just because we are friend sites, since I will try to push wapchan into a slightly more mainstream direction. It's always going to be a very niche site, but I want to position it as a modern successor to old anime shrine or fanpage kind of sites)
I won't deny that I wrote that as an offhand comment, but I've also barely talked to him, even back when he did run this site. I just don't want to get wapchan tied up in future controversies, and everyone's corrected me on my interpretation of his lack of involvement.
It's a shame you are taking it in this very negative way. I choose to run my site in a mostly SFW way, and heyuri chooses to run their site in a NSFW way. I'm sure we can still get along.
The raid was dealt with a few hours after it happened, and I'm probably going to not even add the soyjak board because it has nothing to do with the site (I just entertained the idea once after some guy on soyjak party proposed it), and most of the new "users" have been disregarding site norms. And the site won't be sold.
It's funny, but at the same time I hope there won't be some lingering cold war between wapchan and heyuri because of all of this. Maybe it's best if I pop into your next townhall and actually discuss this more.
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Yeah, can't we all just get along?
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Hooray! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
All's well that ends well

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