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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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We need to stop trying to be like old 4chan. The truth is that heyuri became nothing more than a nostalgia poisoned role-playing website, in which an userbase of disenchanted internet users, most of whom are not above 18 years old, pretend to be in the "old net" while masturbating each other. You think I'm wrong? Go to the /b/ catalog and tell me what you see. Image dumps and more image dumps and the same old, recycled jokes and topics over and over again. And the few inside jokes we actually have are either forced spam or copies of other 4chan memes. What happened to maek OC? I like to think heyuri wasn't always like this, but looking at the wiki entries, how much of it is just copied over from 4chan?

Heyuri is like the european colonies of south america that, with no culture of their own, pretended to be like europe for the longest time until the creation of a national identity.
We need to do just that, to create a national identity for Heyuria, a nationalistic revival movement. The first step is to erase the role-playing mentality and to stop advertising heyuri as a y2k nostalgia website.
Then we need to:
- Like Kaguya said in a previous thread, update the wiki with happenings that were actually relevant.
- Determine if Heyuria is a republic or a monarchy. An empire?
- Ban AI.
- Ban porn dumps.
- Determine what's the definitive heyuri-tan design.
- Replace all yotsuba emojis with heyuri-tan.
- Heyuri flag.
- Heyuri anthem.
- Hang Heyuri flyers and stickers on every major city of the United States world.
- Attack enemy imageboards to assert dominance over the internet.
- Replace word suffixes meaning people with "yuri". So everybody and everyone becomes everyuri, newfag becomes newyuri, etc. Sort of like Ponyspeak (in that case it would be called Heyurispeak). Also replace anon with yuri.
- Make more heyuri videos on vidlii.
- Make /brazil/
- Determine a visual representation of heyurizens. Sort of like 4chan has the suited anon, and 2chan has mona.

NOW THIS IS MY CONCLUSION: Yeah I have nothing more to say. Except that it's okay to post old memes from time to time and that I don't wish to have the Rule 8 removed, obviously.
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I'm mostly convinced ur just trolling for teh LOLs, but if not then I disagree with most of ur assessments and suggestions sweat2

Heyuri is Heyuri - it is virtually nothing like "old 4chan", and has become increasingly less so over time for better or worse (especially over the past year)

Unlike "teh golden age" of summer 2020, where every other thread was something copypasted straight from Macrochan or some other big archive of vintage 4chan material (which there's nothing wrong with, but some users were definitely overdoing it), I can't think of anything lately that is even remotely similar to "old 4chan" - nevermind copying it!

If anything, the issue lately has been that Heyuri is taking too much influence from "new" (2010+) 4chan (and other imageboards of the modern era) - all the /r9k/-like posts, /jp/-like posts, /v/-like posts, and recently even /pol//8chan-like posts... bleh xp

Heyuri isn't "forced" or "role-playing" - it's just a website on the internet where somewhat-like-minded users post whatever they feel like posting, and a tiny fraction of those posts occasionally get baleeted for breaking some fairly lax rules that have been here in one form or another since the start

Taking many of the measures you suggested would definitely be "forcing" and "pretending" however - plus it would be erasing much of the genuine Heyuri culture that has developed naturally over time dark
>Ban porn dumps
WTF. POrn dumps are essential to Heyuri culture! angry I wouldn't know I was browsing Heyuri if there were no fat touhous, or spam-kun didn't come by with the cheese pizza once in a while...

>Hang Heyuri flyers and stickers on every major city of the United States world.
No flyers, that might attract normalfags. We should spraypaint abandoned buildings, like the anon in that one thread did. That way we can ensure only the most l33t homeless people are accessing Heyuri.

>Make /brazil/
I approve. Brazilians are truly the pillars of the imageboard community, besides black people and fishmen.

>- Determine a visual representation of heyurizens.
We should all just be cute little heyuri-tans, I think.
>The truth is that heyuri became nothing more than a nostalgia poisoned role-playing website
Sometimes i feel like that's the case, like for example when you post something serious (not even controversial, it can be something as simple as a question) but don't get a lot of serious replies because "OLD INTERNET NOBODY TOOK ANYTHING SERIOUSLY LULZZ". But we're still pretty far from becoming just a nostalgia RP site.
I use heyuri not only because it tries to be like older imageboards (how they all should be, instead of just copying nu4chan with nothing changed), but also because it's pretty much one of the only good imageboards left.
>like for example when you post something serious (not even controversial, it can be something as simple as a question) but don't get a lot of serious replies because "OLD INTERNET NOBODY TOOK ANYTHING SERIOUSLY LULZZ"
It really depends on the thread, which users are around at the time, and the overall mood of the board in that moment - there's been a ton of informative threads, serious discussions, lengthy advice, etc. in Heyuri's time, even on /b/ of all places. It's mainly the overly gloomy and self-oriented "me me me let's talk about me" posts that are routinely trivialized and derailed, but even then that's not always the case

It's worth mentioning that Rule 1 on Heyuri is "In mature threads, be mature, in retarded threads, be retarded! and yes, you can tell the difference." which was stolen from old 4chan XD. If an OP feels like their "mature" thread will not be taken seriously, they can manually invoke that rule by mentioning it, and it will be more heavily enforced for that thread than it usually would
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Damn, I wish I'd known that image existed before I made the banner... Had I known, I would have used it instead. Oh well, maybe this is a blessing in disguise since I made it from scratch instead?

I'm gonna have to agree with what this fella says. Although I won't knock all of OP's ideas; I do quite like the idea of a definitive Heyuri-tan, but part of the fun of Heyuri-tan is that her art style radically changes with every artist. Makes it feel more like the embodiment of Heyuri itself, like creativity incarnate. Also the only inconsistent thing about her is the art style, her design itself largely remains the same (star-shaped hair, green and beige color scheme, bonnet).


>Heyuri anthem.
That has happened once in /lounge/, but it only got a couple of replies. So... can't say we haven't tried? sweat2

>And the few inside jokes we actually have are either forced spam or copies of other 4chan memes
I can only think of BOKU off the top of my head that even resembles this, and that even spawned an in-joke surrounding the BOKU fruit juice brand. Maybe there are more examples I'm not aware of?

>Attack enemy imageboards to assert dominance over the internet
711chan had the bright idea a while back to raid the P*rty, and well, take a wild guess as to what came of that. They recovered pretty fast, but needless to say, the mods were not amused by that stunt. I think we should use that as a cautionary tale. I don't think raids are inherently bad, but they're pretty hard to pull off and you need to choose your target wisely. Better that we don't do it at all to avoid any unnecessary damages.

>Make /brazil/
Absolutely. It's been high past time that the mods recognize the importance of our Brazilian brothers to this community and how much they have contributed to the imageboard world as a whole. At this point, the mods are obviously just too scared to fully implement it. THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN
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>her design itself largely remains the same (star-shaped hair
Since the very first two images, Heyuri artists have been in an unspoken civil war over Heyuri-tan's hairstyle: star-shaped ponytail VS star-shaped liberty spikes biggrin


Star-shaped ponytail was what I originally had in mind when I made the initial crude head mockup... well, I suppose variety is best sweat2
>Ban AI.
oh, it's this guy. thought no one would notice? rolleyes
No, I am absolutely one hundred per cent for real.
>Heyuri is Heyuri - it is virtually nothing like "old 4chan"
How is anything being posted on /b/ right now any different from old 4chan?
>Taking many of the measures you suggested would definitely be "forcing" and "pretending" however - plus it would be erasing much of the genuine Heyuri culture that has developed naturally over time
Explain to me then, what do you consider being "heyuri culture"?
I was going to write a longer reply but everything I had to say is already said by others while I was busy.

I think it's (was?) more accurate to say Heyuri is trying to be what early 4chan tried to be: An English version of 2chan, with its own (separate) culture. I think other than Macrochan's owner visiting us, another big reason why there were so much early 4chan memes on Heyuri was that 4/t/ thread from 2020 about old 4chan stuff, where Heyuri was advertised (and where I and many others at the time found Heyuri from). We have evolved since that and I think that's for teh best smile

Heyuri is about creating OC. It was never just reposting old 4chan or 2chan stuff, even especially during 2020.

>I can only think of BOKU off the top of my head that even resembles this, and that even spawned an in-joke surrounding the BOKU fruit juice brand. Maybe there are more examples I'm not aware of?
there are some examples on https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Meme
>Heyuri is about creating OC. It was never just reposting old 4chan or 2chan stuff, even especially during 2020.
Yes, that's what heyuri is supposed to be, but like I said, much of the new users are more worried about nostalgia-masturbating each other than making OC, or anything original for that matter.
>No, I am absolutely one hundred per cent for real.
actually, most of the suggestions I gave were semi-jokes but the core of my rant is serious
>We should all just be cute little heyuri-tans, I think.
We ARE cute little heyuri-tans. If you're not, what are you doing here?
>there are some examples on https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Meme
Cockmongler, WAHA, Nevada-tan, Longcat... oh. Point taken lol. biggrin Still, those don't tend to make up 90% of the catalog and are used sparingly, making them much easier to appreciate.
>Cockmongler, WAHA, Nevada-tan, Longcat
3 of those were imported directly from Futaba sweat2
You can get a general sense of Heyuri's culture off this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGID6_2D9Q0
And even that is missing some stuff like the albums or the stuff around Kuuchuu Buranko (understandable, since it was made before we watched it). Just because not every thread is full of memes and long-running inside jokes doesn't mean the culture isn't there.
We need to stop trying to be 4chan because that site was just trying to be Futaba. If we want to get to the root of things, we need to model ourselves on 2channel and Futaba. Why imitate? Well, a baby must learn to walk before it can run and the way it does that is by observing adults and trying to copy them. Yes, we need to stop role playing as old 4chan and return to the real source: Futaba Channel.
>Ban AI.
I had ChatGPT play the character of CEO of Heyuri, to see what it would say:
>As the CEO of Heyuri, I understand the concerns that some users may have regarding the use of AI on our platform. AI can sometimes be used maliciously or in ways that may be disruptive to the community. However, it's important to consider the potential benefits of AI as well.

>AI technologies have the potential to be valuable tools for content moderation, user support, and other applications that can enhance the user experience on Heyuri. That being said, our primary goal is to maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for our users, and we are constantly evaluating the impact of AI on our platform.

>We do not currently support an outright ban on AI within Heyuri. Instead, we are focused on implementing clear guidelines and policies to ensure that AI technologies are used responsibly and ethically. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and make any necessary adjustments to our policies as new developments in AI technology emerge.

>We encourage open discussion and feedback from our users on this topic, as your opinions are crucial in helping us make informed decisions about the future direction of Heyuri.

>Heyuri anthem.
There, ironically, was an AI made anthem for heyuri a while ago.
AI supports the use of AI. What a shocker. xd
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>AI made anthem for heyuri
Here's a better version I made in 2 minutes without AI:

Stand up and be counted,
Show Heyuri you're a man,
Stand up and be counted,
Join Anti-AI Klan!

We are a secret anonhood,
who loves to shitpost too,
We always can be counted on,
to troll a kid or two.

In search of pr0n, anonymity,
we pledge keyboards and hands,
We must defeat the AI plague,
to save our pedoland!
is 'I LOL'd' Heyuri culture? And variations, ('I bjork'd', and the like), seem to be relatively common.
Also sometimes I see people starting a thread with 'Good Morning Heyuri' (regardless of time), is that Heyuri culture?
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It's an old internet thing that was very common on 4chan during the early years (see http://macrochan.org/search.php?tags=I+lol%27d and http://macrochan.org/search.php?tags=At+first+I+was+like...+but+then... for many examples), but Heyuri brought it back from the dead biggrin
Then I think those variations in the vein of "I bjork'd" (an example being present with >>49875 on /b/ ), are a modern, Heyurizen variation on it. (or did that exist back then, too?)
I should've linked sweat2
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i will seriously start putting flyers around my city for heyuri.
Please don't, do it on some altchans instead
I think a bit of advertisement in non imageboard places would be a good thing. Getting totally new blood into the 'imageboard scene' (or whatever you might call it), is what will ensure Heyuri grows beyond your typical altchan, and develops it's own culture.
That's basically what we have been doing the whole time (word of mouth, Neocities, VidLii, etc.) sweat2

The only times Heyuri was advertised to other imageboards was to 4chan's /f/ in 2020, and to a bajillion different imageboards in late-December 2022/early-January 2023 (which wasn't discussed here beforehand...)
I'd rather have a middle-aged walmart employee browsing heyuri than an altchan faggotr
yes, that's what I'm thinking.
that is part of the reason why every imageboard looks the same and posts the same.
I agree on wanting walmart guys, but question is - how does one reach that specific audience while also not attractig school kids. But at the same time, we want Heyuri to grow? If thats the case... that would more or less be impossible without the kids? Just for example, but not that I belive on this idea. If we would have a miniumum word limit for each post - that would filter out younger as longposter often are more mature.

But in reality, what matters is how we spread our word and in what creative way. We need to find a small focus group and go there.
>If we would have a miniumum word limit for each post
NO, sometimes i just want to write PENIS and nothing else.
We also don't haet kids, they are just more likely to bring AIDS. But if we wanted an older audience, those who are willing to share should just spread the word on places no kids come. This could be university toilets or your grandpa's facebook groups.
>but not that I belive on this idea.
just to be clear, im also against this idea. It was a thought more than anything else. doesn't fit a /b/ board, however, my point was that would also give a more mature audience.
Another thought i had is that we Heyurians doesn't really have any common reaction img or anything that give us a uniqueness. If this is good or not is for us to decide, however, i think personally this is always fun. If i was a drawfag, i would just spam Heyuri-tan reaction img. happy
>we Heyurians doesn't really have any common reaction img or anything that give us a uniqueness
Conversely, it's the fact we rarely use reaction images and instead use emotes (kinda like the days of forums, chatrooms, and IM) that makes Heyuri unique biggrin
oh yeah, that makes perfectly sense. nyaoo2 Didn't even realise it! closed-eyes2

i always love the emotes! biggrin
I am more of a Kaomoji fan, but I really do love Heyuri's emotes! ヽ(´∇`)ノ biggrin
>Make /brazil/
why brazil
kids could learn a lot from the heyuri way
lets have this to be the anthem
but have it more orchestra like
anthem should be a parody of this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvEzFW_pH1g
I can agree to an extent, but I think word-of-mouth might be more helpful to Heyuri's growth than blindly advertising in real life (´¬`)
ohaiyo i hold up my spork
I have no idea about this website as I came upon you all while reverse image searching some old images
I like the rules here, many may disagree but i find porn to hurt creativity rather than foster it
that is all shii

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