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I remember some time ago there was an idea of making 2ch.sh follow R8 like on Heyuri. This obviously hasn't happened considering the site is basically just a dump of random images and weird .gz files.

Why did 2ch.sh never become bound to R8 and what do people think about this happening?

also does anyone know what the .gz files are, im too scared to download
Huh? I've been monitoring and deleting Rule 8 material from 2ちゃん's Everything board for ages unsure

The .gz files have virtually all been someone backing up their progress in some Russian language learning thing, seemed fairly innocuous to me (although it does contain Russian political news n stuff)

There's been a big increase in Russian political material on Everything since the war started, but there's not yet been any discussion here about it, so it's just been left up sweat2
there was a whole poll about rule 8 on 2ch a while ago... like a year or so
I believe the poll was shortly before Saint Nakuras disappeared, and that was what, late 2021? It's been a while since that debate was settled sweat2
Do you plan on beginning to ban file dumps on there? I don't think anyone else benefits from those language learning archives and it only serves to make the site more cluttered and filled up
>Do you plan on beginning to ban file dumps on there?
File dumps are pretty much the purpose of that website sweat2

It's worth noting for teh n00bs that 2ちゃん started out as a separate website created by a Heyuri user (Nakura) who merely announced it here, and their intention was to have a completely anonymous and unfettered (besides illegal material) file uploader

But when it ended up effectively only being used by Heyuri users - and then became a semiofficial Heyuri service - some of us suggested that it should probably at least have Rule 8, which was subsequently voted on and agreed to

Nakura mysteriously disappeared around this time (party v&???), and kuz - who was providing the hosting by that point - took over the operation of it. When kuz stepped down as Heyuri admin, I believe kaguya was also put in charge of 2ちゃん since it is basically part of Heyuri at this point

So with all that said, whether 2ちゃん should adopt more of Heyuri's rules (such as Rule 7, which most Serious Business war propaganda for ongoing wars breaks IMHO), or whether "Everything" should continue to house things liek users' personal files or not, are things that still need to be discussed and decided on
Yeah hopefully that happens, when I made the thread I meant exactly that but I didn't know that was under Rule 7

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