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Can mods start putting out the amount of posts per month each month? I'm curious to see February since it seemed a lot more active than previous months
Around 7500 posts were made during January
Around 5500 posts were made during February
So far around 2900 posts were made during March

I can't guarantee these numbers are very accurate, I tried to exclude spam by the numbers top off my head - I think around 400-500 spam posts were made during only March..

Again, t's hard to give exact numbers with the amount of spam, but you can use Discord webhook's message searching tools (link: https://discord.gg/kQ5DuSsBn2 )
It's more useful to see how many posts were made during each day, because spam comes in big waves and the days without it should show accurate numbers. For example, I can say exactly 300 posts were made during the last 28 hours and 27 minutes as I am writing this.

As for /sw/, there are message logs at https://ayashii.net/bbs.php?c=58&m=g where you can choose month you want to view, press search buttan, and scroll button to see how many results were found. This should be considerably more accurate than webhook as spam posts aren't included
I always include spam when I calculate post rates (such as most historic Heyuri calculations) since spam is somewhat of a constant, and it's included in all sites with automated stats + most manually calculated estimations sweat2

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