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I think it would be a cool idea to make it optional to show your flag from where you are posting on /b/ or make an international board where showing flags is required
The board software has that feature, but I don't see the benefit on Heyuri - especially since I (and presumably others) am using a VPN
maybe would be a good idea if it were implemented alongside a board where nationality was related to the topic but i dont see the need for it on /b/
I don't much like nationality flags. Puts a dent in the anonymity which I don't like.closed-eyes
Of course if it's just optional then whatever.
The closest thing to that would be /jp/:

def admin_bar <kaguya◆V4Zyo2onG6>: nihongochan to heyuri as /jp/ - 日本語
def admin_bar <poptan◆Mnb3BZrs86>: Oh that's actually cool
def admin_bar <jr◆IoZP1d.X7s>: merging nihongochan?
def admin_bar <poptan◆Mnb3BZrs86>: I'd actually use that often I think
def admin_bar <poptan◆Mnb3BZrs86>: Personally
def admin_bar <anonwaha>: well, that's how it used to be isn't it? (nigga stole my board!)
def admin_bar <Angeleno◆BMDik3OFd2>: yes that sounds like a good idea
def admin_bar <poptan◆Mnb3BZrs86>: Wait guys
def admin_bar <morgan>: let's advertise heyuri on TV and get all the clicks
def admin_bar <jr◆IoZP1d.X7s>: i think you should merge its unique boards and features - i like them
def admin_bar <kaguya◆V4Zyo2onG6>: yes anonwaha
def admin_bar <poptan◆Mnb3BZrs86>: loli3
def admin_bar <poptan◆Mnb3BZrs86>: Will we get /l/ back sometime??
def admin_bar <>: for only 5.99, you too can use Heyuri,net!
def admin_bar <morgan>: advertise heyuri on FOX NEWS!
def admin_bar <kaguya◆V4Zyo2onG6>: /l/ isn't a unique board really
def admin_bar <>: call 1-800-BOKU
def admin_bar <poptan◆Mnb3BZrs86>: I really liked it while it was up
def admin_bar <jr◆IoZP1d.X7s>: That's right x1
def admin_bar <Apple◆03T5jaaynw>: Neither is /b/
def admin_bar <kaguya◆V4Zyo2onG6>: it can just go on /b/ unlike japanese posts

On Heyuri, it's possible to make it so it would only show whether if you are from Japan or not, but then there is no guarantee adding (merging) such a board would benefit us.
>it's possible to make it so it would only show whether if you are from Japan or not
I wanted to have this feature since a while ago but never said anything about proposing it or anything
god please no

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