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I think the wiki isn't being taken care of as much as it should be. To this day there isn't an article on Little alice or the Heyuri album
Something should be done by the administration to give it more attention, since i'm a lot of new users don't even know about its existence
>since i'm a lot of new users don't even know about its existence
I'm sure* a lot of new users
What can be done about it?
I'd say to put a spotlight on it for a week or so. Maybe with a more visible link to it, a header message on /b/, or even a little event
Personally, i'll get to write some stuff in the next couple of days
Preemptive reminder for those wishing to make more serious/informative articles to not fill Heyuri's wiki up with crap you learned from 4chan and other imageboards, or that you've copypasta'd from other wikis

1. cuz it's Heyuri's wiki about Heyuri first & foremost, and what applies to other sites doesn't necessarily apply to us (in fact it rarely does) sweat2

2. cuz fresh original research > parroting a series of regurgitated misinformation from 10-20 years ago about anonymous BBSes, 2ch, Ayashii World, etc. that 99% originates from some bullshit that Shii and others made up sweat3
I feel the infrastructure on HHS needs a revamp. Possibly with a version update and reinstall. Then with true VisualEditor enabled, as well as exporting, rewrite engine, and other things.

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