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is a good portion of it still kokonutsuba? or is it free from its shackles
pic unrel, just need to put a file to post in this board for some reason
Your question doesn't make sense. Kokonotsuba isn't "kuz's code", as it was mainly developed by Loliko. Also there are boards with entirely different softwares.
oh my bad, thought kokonutsuba was kuz's implementation after heyuri was killed
/b/, /q/, and /lounge/ still use kokonotsuba, and it DOES make sense to call it "kuz code" because he owns it and has ultimate control over it. He could take it away tomorrow if he felt like it, and we'd have to rebuild those boards and all their features from scratch. There are also things in kokonotsuba which kaguya cannot see or modify, because only kuz can see and modify them

Here it is from the man himself:

>>Anonymous-san User: Kuznetsov Post date: 2022/05/19(Thu) 01:59:58 ■ ★ ◆ 木
>Perhaps you dont understand how Kokonotsuba works.. its not like most
>imageboard softwares where you can plug and play. Kokonotsuba boards
>are just frontends to a massive global backend which every board uses at
>a central center, this is how all big softwares do it, including 4chan.
>Kokonotsuba isnt meant for someone to just download and set up, its a
>deeply centralized software and the people that use it must be given
>explicit permission to use it, and generally everyone that is given it
>is working for kolyma. Since it is produced by and for us it is compliant
>with our own rules, which forbid things like unconstructive criticism, terrorist
>stuff (such as ukranian symbolism) and anything which can pose physical
>harm to the sites themselves.
>Now if you really want to be "de-kolymafied" to the point you are pushing,
>you would need to drop the Kokonotsuba, SpamDB (the spam database which
>heyuri defacto uses as its ban system, since most bans are for bots/cp spammers)
>and a myriad of other little bits and things which were made. Also, you would
>need to drop off the hosting since it too is provided by kolyma and therefor
>cant properly be used if you want a completely de-kolymafied heyuri.
>Hmmm.. its almost more trouble than its worth isnt it? You and others once
>had valid concerns, which I took to heart about Heyuri and Kolyma, but you
>are going way too far and overboard now, and it obviously comes from a place
>of malice (considering the things that have been written here) and not logic.
>So, if your really so obsessed with de-kuzifying and de-kolymaifying Heyuri,
>you need to take these next steps too! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Note 1: kaguya has since made some efforts to detach Heyuri from kuz/kolyma, but only in a couple of areas (and very much in a "it's still owned and hosted by kuz, but now this one small component is a separate instance from the rest of kolyma sites" way). Much of kuz's post above still applies

Note 2: my reply to kuz's Machiavellian drivel above (which all started because he added new politics-fuelled wordfilters to Heyuri despite no longer being the "owner") was deleted by someone other than myself - as have many other replies I've made to kuz or about kuz/kolyma/Heyuri since kuz "stepped down". It happened most recently just a few days ago on Strange World after kuz made a post about "why are kuz haters all faggots" (that was also deleted)

I've also previously been requested by kaguya outside of Heyuri to not talk about kuz or kolyma on Heyuri, nor to tell anyone that kuz still has mod powers on Heyuri (not that he needs them, being the owner of our servers and all - I wouldn't be surprised if still owns the Heyuri domain as well). However, I clearly stated to kaguya that I wasn't signing any NDAs, and that I really don't give a shit about "protecting kuz/kolyma's image" - I only care about Heyuri and it being "the place to be"

So let's drop this stupid "kuz has nothing to do with Heyuri anymore!" facade so we can actually talk about Heyuri's situation honestly again, and without anyone having to bite their tongue, get their posts deleted, receive stupid white lies or "well technically this kuz-owned-and-commissioned code is not kuz code cuz he didn't write it!" answers, or have kuz start shitting the place up and covering his own ass in 3rd person closed-eyes2
Instead of reciting few months-old history that's not relevant anymore/could be interpreted in dangerous ways, you can ask about the current situation. If you have problems with kokonotsuba, reply to >>62204

I can see and technically am able to modify all parts of kokonotsuba, but it's true that it's a licensed software under Kolyma. That doesn't mean kuz cares about it anymore, noone besides me cares about kokonotsuba anymore. I just can't get it's license and do whatever I want with it... The only real problem we face today is that I let volunteers work on it, which is sad because I don't think there are many sites whose users are willing to help to the site's codebase as much as Heyuri's.
BTW, I never asked you to censor yourself. I have been trying to keep drama away, but gave up when you said something along the lines of unfunny arguing/drama is part of human nature.. Which honestly made no sense at the time. Go to 4chan or something if you liek to argue, but don't try to involve the rest of humanity in your hobby. xp

For the sake of transparency, yes, kuz pays for Heyuri. He is long ready to hand it all to me, but unfortunately I am currently a student with no income from a country which's currency is worthless before USD/EUR dark

Anyways, you are making it sound like kuz is ready to assume full control over Heyuri or secretly ruling Heyuri from shadows, but in reality he is some married guy with little interest in otaku culture/fun parts of internets (not to say he is fun-hating, you would know too) now.
He really wouldn't have any reason to care about Heyuri if I wasn't his friend in the present time. If you still don't believe in this, you are free to take the responsibility of Heyuri's finances. smile

>However, I clearly stated to kaguya that I wasn't signing any NDAs, and that I really don't give a shit about "protecting kuz/kolyma's image" - I only care about Heyuri and it being "the place to be"
Yeah, out of the blue you brought up NDAs for some reason xd
Again, I don't care what you think about kuz/kolyma/whatever as this is Heyuri. That just brings me the question, how much do you actually care about Heyuri anymore, or is it at least more than you care about slandering Kolyma/kuz's image? I've been waking up to hours-old spam/obviously unwanted content for the last few days.. unsure
I can see and technically am able to modify all parts of kokonotsuba now*
I can't let volunteers work on it*
If the situation regarding kokonotsuba/kolyma has changed since we've spoken about it, then maybe u should let me know about it closed-eyes2

>BTW, I never asked you to censor yourself. I have been trying to keep drama away, but gave up when you said something along the lines of unfunny arguing/drama is part of human nature.. Which honestly made no sense at the time. Go to 4chan or something if you liek to argue, but don't try to involve the rest of humanity in your hobby.
You effectively did ask me to censor myself, and you're taking my words way out of context - I was talking about "shutting down any and all signs of conflict/dissent and sweeping it under the rug of private channels" (which is what you were doing at that time) VS "letting everyone discuss and resolve things peacefully in public" (which you were not doing). For transparency, here's the exact conversation:

You (2022/05/06)
>I didn't really ban there, it's a band-aid solution to the situation. You can post if you really want, but expect it to get deleted. If you really want to discuss, you can do so with kuz in private and he would be happy to explain you.. But I wouldn't bother that far in your situation

>the solution is for everyone to talk things out peacefully, and only punish those who aren't interested in discussing in earnest. that's how you reach compromises and learn to see from each others' perspectives - by being open and honest with each other
>shutting discussions down at the first sign of "conflict" never works - it just turns the situation into a pressure cooker where frustrations and resentments boil and fester and until something sparks and the whole thing a spl0des
>that is exactly what happened before with TEH DRAMA of 2020, with the events that led to kuz stepping down, and pretty much every major drama and conflict evar (;´Д`)
>and when i say talk things out, i mean publicly - not behind closed doors where nobody can see it and nobody can chime in with their additional thoughts and viewpoints

>I think conflicts are simply unnecessary and unfun. Not even worth talking over, but seems I am in a minority with this view
>I think the day is saved, so I won't do what I mentioned yesterday for now - but I doubt this is settled or I won't get headaches for this in the future. I would be happy to proven wrong of course

>i don't know who said it originally, and there are many different variations, but there's an old quote that goes: "peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it"
>conflicts aren't fun at all, but sadly they're a natural and unavoidable part of human interaction - especially on the interwebs where there's no facial expression, body language, tone of voice, etc. - but the same also applies to IRL
>assuming that the parties involved are arguing in good faith and are intent on reaching solutions, stamping out all avenues for peaceful resolution doesn't resolve conflicts - it exacerbates them. when the option of peaceful (relatively speaking) discussion is removed, eventually frustrations will grow to the point where even more drastic measures are taken, i.e. users/staff leaving forever, mass exoduses, coup attempts, widespread slander across the interwebs, spam/ddos attacks... i've seen it all too many times (;´Д`)
>moderation isn't just about baleeting things and enforcing rules/policies - it's also about being a community mediator, resolving disputes, and preventing all of those "worst case scenarios" mentioned above. a single day out of every 50 containing some mildly heated debate is far preferable to 50 days out of every 50 containing a tyrannical and/or abandoned board

>i c ur point, but am too ignorant on the topic to reply (´Д`)
>As long as things work out peacefully - where I know I will be useful at the most - and users don't leave the site for being drama infested I am fine with it

hoping for the day us heyurians can finally contribute to the codebase (´人`)
>Yeah, out of the blue you brought up NDAs for some reason
Because both you and kuz were pushing the idea of keeping everything as private/proprietary as possible, kuz was very into his corporate roleplay, many other websites require janitors/moderators to sign NDAs before joining (including 4chan, notoriously), and I was saying that I would only agree to be a janitor if I didn't have to sign one. It's important to state it ahead of time, otherwise you can inadvertantly get hooked into a legally-binding verbal contract dark

>That just brings me the question, how much do you actually care about Heyuri anymore, or is it at least more than you care about slandering Kolyma/kuz's image? I've been waking up to hours-old spam/obviously unwanted content for the last few days..
You know damn well I care about Heyuri, have been posting daily and regularly providing OC for years, and delete a shit ton of spam most days. You even know that I bought a VPS so that we can hopefully have a way to run Perl scripts on the site. I've been busy IRL a lot this past or so, but I still do what I can when I can closed-eyes2
*I've been busy IRL a lot this past month or so
i love you mr moderator. thanks your contributions gor heyuri
Woah since when did we have such an awesome mod nosebleed
>and users don't leave the site for being drama infested I am fine with it
I still stand with this biggrin
And what do you think you are arriving with this discussion, I wonder. It's not likely some 3rd party will be involved or benefit from reading our posts.

It's right I am not expert of human psychology, but I know enough that there is a crowd on internet who don't like conflicts. It's too tiring (especially for me), and kills all fun.

>If the situation regarding kokonotsuba/kolyma has changed since we've spoken about it, then maybe u should let me know about it
You never asked to get informed rolleyes
But it's pretty much as like how I explained in my previous post. There isn't anything more to it

I think I can't see message log on mai client for some reason
>I doubt (...) I won't get headaches for this in the future.
And here I am ;_;

>Because both you and kuz were pushing the idea of keeping everything as private/proprietary as possible
No, I wasn't! At least for Heyuri (And even for Kolyma, I liked when the front page was full of anime icons.. but that's not relevant now), if that were to be the case, I wouldn't be slowly de-corporating Heyuri even before I became the admin. You helped me with it too smile

>many other websites require janitors/moderators to sign NDAs before joining
Was never true for Heyuri, and also not true for any site on Kolyma. He requires NDAs for developers/other workers.
And I don't have much to do with that part really.

>I care about Heyuri, have been posting daily and regularly providing OC for years, and delete a shit ton of spam most days.
I didn't claim otherwise, it's just lately that I feel like more of your posts are about Kolyma/drama inducing rather than actually benefiting to Heyuri. Still, perhaps I was too aggressive at that line, apologizing.

>You even know that I bought a VPS so that we can hopefully have a way to run Perl scripts on the site
Yes, you also know very well that I am excited about it biggrin
I can't check if u sent me any messages on that now, so use the tripcode based PMs if you need to until I return. I might have already said this, but not sure if the message went through at the time
>And what do you think you are arriving with this discussion, I wonder. It's not likely some 3rd party will be involved or benefit from reading our posts.
A lot of times lately - particularly since the "platinum age" began - I've had to sit on my hands or bite my tongue every time I've seen posts along the lines of "I came back because kuz is no longer involved with Heyuri"

To the best of my knowledge - particularly due to past conversations with you that frequently went something like "I wanted to do x, but kuz..." or "unfortunately we can't do y because kuz says..." - I've been under the impression that kuz still has a lot of power and control over Heyuri, even if it's indirect or mostly going unused

There's also the fact that I've seen his IP show up time and time again posting Rule 8 spam, him acting as his own artificial fanbase, and generally just undermining Heyuri's moderation and operation - this has been happening for years, but like the time he told you and I to "take the stick out of our asses" on /o/ for deleting BRAPPP garbage (and despite kuz being the most trigger-happy mod evar in his time), and recently with him spamming all the Trump/MAGA shit the other day all while also posting "heyuri's own mods are sabotaging its reputation" closed-eyes2

He does this shit A LOT, and it's fucking tiring pretending that he's no longer here and no longer interested in Heyuri. He pretty much deserves to be B& on sight, like he decided to do with faganon (who - while annoying and deserving of it at that time - did far less than kuz) closed-eyes2

And the kicker is that I can't just delete and B& him whenever he pulls this shit (besides the really obvious Rule 8 stuff - and even then you still second-guessed me on that recently. See: the VIP pincode thread where he posted a s*yjak thread immediately after, and I told users about it, then my post got deleted for "not being relevant" and you spoke about how users could give kuz donations!!!11), because you've bitched to me (or provided kuz's bitching to me via proxy) before for doing so!

>I didn't claim otherwise, it's just lately that I feel like more of your posts are about Kolyma/drama inducing rather than actually benefiting to Heyuri. Still, perhaps I was too aggressive at that line, apologizing.
I haven't posted anything like this lately (outside this thread), besides one swiftly deleted (and quite lighthearted) reply to kuz shitting on Heyuri users on Strange World, and another light-hearted one on /q/ about Heyuri being "just liek old times" when faganon showed up. The rest has all been from new or returning users - and then kuz had the gall to (anonymously) post "funny how kuz haters all sound the same" or something like that

The fukken audacity of that samefagging asshole... so with all this, and the repeated "kuz is no longer part of Heyuri", I felt compelled to finally air sum of this crap and hopefully reach sum resolutions - or at least show to other users that someone @ Heyuri understands their frustrations (and is probably more frustrated than they are because I have to watch kuz do this shit and either not tell everyone about it, or get my posts deleted or receive some bullshit essay from kuz or you about how I'm full of shit for calling a spade a FREAKING spade), and isn't just kissing or covering for kuzbutt


>I can't check if u sent me any messages on that now, so use the tripcode based PMs if you need to until I return. I might have already said this, but not sure if the message went through at the time
I haven't got around to messaging you yet... I genuinely have been very busy IRL, and when I'm not doing that I'm either doing my Heyuri duties, working on configuring the server (which is not something I'm familiar with so I'm having to learn a lot), or working on another project sweat2

However, the server is at least up and running with Debian 11 and able to run old Perl scripts, kuz = OWNED xd
kuz's attitude on Heyuri if he is still posting is a different story. I don't follow users' IPs, neither should you - just B& users if they break the rules, and you may use a small amount of discretion while enforcing rules. You aren't supposed to make individual cases against users unless they are insisting trolls, like that pedo poster on /b/. I believe I talked about this when giving u b&hammer too
It's not like there is anything blocking people from VPNs to evade their bans anyways

As for the rest, I don't have anything to reply. You are free to express how you dislike kuz without slandering him (which is really the only thing that's not already in our rules that I must do in return of him covering heyuri's hosting).

>so with all this, and the repeated "kuz is no longer part of Heyuri", I felt compelled to finally air sum of this crap and hopefully reach sum resolutions
I doubt we will reach anything, but I hope ur rent was at least enough to get it off your chest. I hope someday these long replies will be about something other than kuz

I hope this won't make me sound arrogant, but I feel like literally anyone besides me wouldn't bother bearing these recurring discussions for such a long time period sweat3

>However, the server is at least up and running with Debian 11 and able to run old Perl scripts
Awesome! I wasn't aware you were busy earlier, so take your time if you need to
Nope. Lolico wrote only a small fraction of its code. 2 other developers (Barry and Bobman) both account for the majority of Kokonotsubas code, and neither of them are heyuri users, they are just PHP programmers who were looking for work. Ultimately, barry accounts for the lions share of kokonotsubas codebase (perhaps 60%)

My message on SW is still true, aside from that little else in that message is. kokonotsuba is proprietary code which was previously only used on Heyuri because it once was my site. Now, the only reason its used is because kaguya doesnt want to use anything else. I have proposed swapping to vichan multiple times but I dont think kaguya is interested in that, even though I have publicly lauded Kokonotsuba for its slowness. Kaguya changed GUROchans software to Vichan as it had no sentimentality there and it was well recieved.

This is embarassing for you two to be arguing in public. Kaguyas messages are mostly correct. I am not sure why you (The mod) has chosen to try and sully this recent boom in popularity heyuri is recieving by fabricating fake drama. Perhaps it is out of boredom. Aside from moderation, everything else relating to heyuri is still paid for and maintanenced by me. If you would like to change this, you can pay for heyuri, fix the bugs, develop the software, etc. Kaguya cannot, and as a close friend I am doing that for him. If this offends you, I dont know what to say. In return for all of these favors, I simply ask that he does not let heyuri become a base of operations for propagandists to attack other sites of mine or to spread propaganda which will hurt mine (and kaguyas) future endeavors. He is satisfied with this agreement, and you seem to be the only person who isnt. Funnily enough, this part of the deal wouldnt even have to be held up if people like you could keep stop obsessing over my actions for 15 minutes. As far as I know, no one besides you still regularly makes threads about me.

Most of the criticism you have against me relates to my stunning, and baffling ability to partake in two different types of humor at once. This ability, which you study by stalking the IP addresses of users whom you claim to be me, is still the source of your rather new and surprising hatred of heyuris administration.
>You aren't supposed to make individual cases against users unless they are insisting trolls
I don't, and obviously I am talking about a persistent troll - one who happens to still have a level of power over Heyuri (such as paying for our servers and making the admin delete "kuz slander" in recompense, which is not exactly something that should just be brushed aside o_0) despite whoever insisting to curious new/returning users that kuz has nothing to do with Heyuri (though I totally understand and commend the desire to act like present-day kuz has nothing to do with us, hence why I generally just STFU about it these days)

And I want to be clear that I don't sit there staring at the post management page - in fact I actively stay logged out of the mod account unless I need to log in. I never would have become familiar with kuz's IP had I not seen it time and time again when going to delete/B& something that's very obviously rule-breaking (mostly Rule 8) or spammy, and not also seen him use his name with it at those times sweat3

>You are free to express how you dislike kuz without slandering him
I hope we're agreed that nothing I've said is slander - and as I've said before, it's not so much that I dislike kuz, but rather I dislike all the stupid and detrimental things that he's done (and still does) that pertains to Heyuri over the past 2 years. Especially when he (and to a lesser extent you) tries to turn it around on others, acting like "actually it's the complaints about kuz that are the problem, not all the things he did to warrant the complaints", or "heyuri mods are sabotaging its reputation", when the reality has long been the complete opposite closed-eyes2

>I hope someday these long replies will be about something other than kuz
I've made plenty of longposts outside of /q/ about interwebs history, cool things I found, guides to help users with things, or helping out with Heyuri's technical issues. I've barely mentioned kuz at all since May last year, and the only reason I'm doing so now is because lately he's been a bit of a pest on the boards and has also repeatedly been brought up by a portion of the new/returning users (who have stated they're here SPECIFICALLY because they're under the impression that kuz no longer has any relation to Heyuri)

I woke up and immediately saw the first couple posts of this thread, and decided it's time TEH PPLZ got some honest answers about Heyuri's situation instead of (what had appeared to me to be) dismissals and half-truths closed-eyes2

>I hope ur rent was at least enough to get it off your chest
My rant powar is INFINITE ヽ(´∇`)ノ... but I think as long as other users can read this thread and get a better idea of Heyuri's current situation, then I think some air has been cleared and nothing more really needs to be said from me

>As far as I know, no one besides you still regularly makes threads about me.
...I haven't made a single thread about you, nor post besides the 2 off-handed and not particularly critical ones I've already mentioned sweat3

(post resubmitted AGAIN due to srs levels of image and emote fail previously thought impossible - I give up from now on!!!)
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After being invited to a private chat with kaguya and kuz, a lot of things I brought up ITT haven been resolved, cleared up, or is now seriously outdated/WRONG information (on all sides, but particularly mine)

I'd also liek to publicly apologize to kaguya and the rest of Heyuri for initiating and contributing towards this thread turning into an ugly flame-filled dramafest, and to apologize to kuz specifically for bringing up things about him unrelated to OP's question (or anything that anyone else posted ITT) - purely so I could let off steam about personal/private issues I had with him that really didn't need to be aired out in the open

This was honestly my fault to begin, because I generally keep myself in the dark by avoiding various channels and never reaching out to kuz or kaguya, and I just came up with my own theories based off what limited amount I could see on the boards (which also lead to kuz and kaguya doing the same towards me, because there was often limited ways to contact me) dark

I'm aware that it sounds like I've got a gun to my head after everything I said before (I assure you I do not - in fact I started typing this before we even spoke privately!), but I do genuinely appreciate kuz's thankless contributions towards Heyuri's continued existence, even if we don't always see eye to eye. Ultimately, I just wanted the whole situation about kuz, kokonotsuba, and Heyuri to be more transparent... and if what kuz has announced to me and kaguya in private is true, it's about to be VERY transparent huh

Finally, while I'm the last person who should be saying this, I srsly hope that us 3 Heyuri oldbies - who all care a lot about this silly little site on teh interwebs - can go back to being on friendly, productive terms again cry

(kaguya, pls roll teh credits)
>haven been resolved
Apology = Accepted biggrin
With this being left behind, we can move forward and continue working on making Heyuri even more awesome smile

I am closing this thread now. There will be an important (in a good way) announcement soon, so look forward to it!

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