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File: Report.gif
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Can we have the option to report posts that break the rules please?
(;´Д`) I want this too
Normally the sentiment I saw last time this was discussed was that a reporting feature would be easily abused. If this were before the influx, then I would be inclined to disagree given that the userbase is pretty laid back, but now with new users I'm not so sure. Now if it all it did was flag a post to bring it to staff attention, then I can't see how it would be abused. Maybe I'm just not thinking outside the box here. ┐(゚~゚)┌
Abuse wasn't an issue as far as I remember - in fact we used to have a report feature, then kuz replaced the old janky software (that had reports) with new janky software (that didn't have reports), and now we can't have reports unless we change software or a developer comes down from the heavens and implements them cry

Maybe we could use the trip-based PM feature as a substitute in the meantime unsure
Is the software open source? I could take a look and see if I can implement a report feature. It doesn't sound too difficult (last words)
it isnt
Damn well I'm not too good with PHP, so I don't want to waste your time and not be able to deliver. I use JavaScript at work
table with columns for post id and weight (no. of reports of the post)
add a button on every post to report it, if its not in the sql table, add it - if it is, increase the weight by one (check if IP is different)
i dont think it would be too difficult to make
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Unless it spawned a bat-signal that alerted Kaguya of posts that break the rules when he's off-line, then i don't think a report feature is necessary right now
spam attacks are, well, quite apparent. Furthermore, even on /b/ posts are made at a rate where there's a lot of time for it to be delt with. That holds true without considering that the userbase tends to call out anything that goes against the balance of the echosystem
A report feature will only be needed when rule-breaking posts are frequent and abundant. It is true that a huge influx of users might threaten to make the aformentioned statement true, but only if we first neglect those kind of posts during the current stage of the site

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