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Can we add some new boards?

How about these?

/a/ Anime and manga

/jp/ Japan discussion

/v/ Video games

/h/ Hentai

?loli/ Loli porn

/f/ Flash
>new boards
But those are all our old boards!
yes pl0x
To my understanding, the restoration of old boards/"maek nuu boreds plz!!!" has been a topic for about as long as Kaguya has been admin. The answer I always see that usually ends the discussion is something like this: we can't add new boards at the moment because the userbase is so small that new boards would only divert attention away from our current boards and therefore cause the activity to stagnate.

Don't take my word for it though, I'm sure a mod or Kaguya himself can vouch for that claim or correct it. There are some old threads and archives of more threads lying around somewhere but I'm too lazy to find them at the moment. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oh and /f/ is technically still around (img.heyuri.net/f/), but it's a ghost town. Only two new posts have been made there in the last two weeks.
>To my understanding, the restoration of old boards/"maek nuu boreds plz!!!" has been a topic for about as long as Kaguya has been admin
It's been around a lot longer than that - since Strawberry Heaven! biggrin

>Potential Changes kuz ## Admin 20/10/06(Tue)06:59 No.1
>3. removing some boards due to inactivity

>Anonymous 20/10/06(Tue)21:59 No.4 <-- ZOMG ME!!1
>I'm all for it - there are WAY too many boards for our current population size, and most of them are just legacy 4chan boards that had a reason to exist for them back in 2003/2004, but don't necessarily make sense for us here today
>My opinion is that all we need right now is /b/ the imageboard, /f/ the flash board, and /q/ the meta board) and everything else belongs on /b/ until proven otherwise. Any new types of board should get their own dedicated board (such as an uploader board, an oekaki board, a textboard, and so on), but multiple instances of the same board type should only be made when they are required, rather than desired
>Consider that the only boards on Futaba that have extremely high levels of activity are Nijiura may and img (those two boards alone make up for 96% of the entire site's activity, which is approximately 13,000 PPH... each!!), and the only board on 4chan that had tons of activity prior to the massive population growth in 2007/2008 was /b/ (which also made up 95-99% of the entire site's activity)

>October Updates — by kuz @ 11:45PM EDT October 7th, 2020.
>Some boards are going — Yes, you heard it. We are going to be doing away with some boards. In the end, /a/, /b/, /q/, and /r/ are staying. All other boards will be archived and removed from the index. I have made this decision due to the fact that most of them recieved little to no usage on a daily basis. I later found that I wasnt bothered at all by this, SH only looks to serve a few purposes, and those few purposes cant be served with just those 4 boards.
The real reason why I am not keen on adding new boards, as stated above, is that most of their content can already go to /b/, besides those "special" boards.

I considered re-adding /jp/ before, but it would be a Japanese language board like Heyuri's /jp/ once was.. This is just something I've considered in the past, but it would come by me merging all of 日本語ちゃんねる's boards into one and modifying the flag system (it wouldn't show what country ur from, but only if you are from Japan or not, though this may also need some dev work). I still haven't completely abandoned this idea, I just don't think it would be any successful after first few days without successful advertisements of the board.

>/f/ is technically still around
Its software is too crappy to make public for now sweat3
Otherwise I would love to have our /f/ back. I made a thread about it few months ago here: >>61527
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Back in 2020 when I used this website I remember very vividly there being a reimu armpit board, where the hell is the reimu armpit board? I feel like this is a tremendous oversight and should be fixed as soon as possible
That was StrawberryHeaven, not Heyuri smile
it would probably need some dev work, you'd need to check if the IP is a JP one or not, there are sum stackoverflow answers with implementing geolocation w/ IP

GL kaguya -- 日本人、へゆりによこそーここはちょうすごいです!ヽ(´∇`)ノ
we should add it to heyuri nosebleed
>most of their content can already go to /b/,
Maybe it's a placebo/autism thing but I feel like calling the board off-topic makes people want an on-topic dedicated board where they can feel at home.
Maybe calling the catch-all board something like "random" or "random 2D" or "jp" would help dissuading more people from asking for dedicated boards

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