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You may have been seeing more and more pedo-like posts on Heyuri as of late. It started from liking lolis to actually sexualising children and now someone is posting/baiting posting (I ain't clicking that shit nigga) cheese pizza on Heyuri. I beleive the pedos must be dealt with before Heyuri shares the same fate with Kohlchan where it gets infested with pedos who talk about nothing but how they want to fuck kids.
The ones posting CP are spambots.Best we can do is delete them and move on.Everything else is a gag.
I say occasional sexualization is fine (we've had some JS panchira threads in the past too), but I agree it would get annoying if it's all that's being talked. That said pedos on Heyuri are probably aware of this too, and don't overdo it

>someone is posting/baiting posting (I ain't clicking that shit nigga) cheese pizza on Heyuri
That's just a bot (I hope) that targets all imageboards, not unique to Heyuri
Very little has changed in the past 2.5 years - sometimes the topic gets "hotter" and sometimes it gets "colder", but Pedobear is always lurking... unsure

Personally I think it's fine how it is - largely comical/fantastical and text-based, with the occasional non-pornographic "cute not pedo" pic. Actual CP is 99% only posted by spambots that target every imageboard in existence, and it's deleted on sight. There's also 1 fag who has posted a couple of "teen strips in front of her phone" videos in the past, but again they get deleted on sight if they look underageb&

I enjoy the largely free and unsanitized nature of Heyuri, and seeing the occasional pedolicious post reminds me of how things used to be back in the day (and Heyuri is still A LOT tamer than that). It's nowhere near the level nor in the same vein as that one particular travelling circus of imageboard pedos who do nothing but post little girl pics and try to unironically normalize pedophilia non-stop in the most obnoxious way possible, and have even crapflooded entire boards with hardc0re CP out of butthurt

Anyone who's been around the small-to-medium imageboard block will have encountered that crowd at one point or another, and should be able to recognize the difference between them and Heyuri's loli-related LOLs & fantasies
thank you, I am just worried because of what happened to imageboards like Kohlchan sweat2

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