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idk if this is the board to post about this (forgive me if its not) but, i think the wiki needs to be updated more often. I enjoy reading it but it annoys me that some of the pages are incomplete/empty. Id do something about it myself if i had been around long enough to have the knowlegde to fill in any extra information :(
If u can think of any specific articles/ideas u'd liek to see fleshed out or made, plz post them ITT

There's many cases where I fully intended to create/edit something on the wiki, but then got distracted and completely forgot about it sweat2
Its late for me rn so im not gonna write a whole list rn but tomorrow ill make a little chart.

In the meanwhile, Flashes of heyuri is empty.
i had an idea pop into my head when i saw that there was no proper AIDS page despite their being a link made for it.
it's not very well thought out; the only description to it would read "it can happen to you too!" with pic of sum guy sperging out as the page picture. haven't gotten around to it because a) too lazy to maek wiki account :v and b) i think the idea just ain't lolz-worthy. feel free to expand on this idea or replace it from scratch as you see fit.

>Id do something about it myself if i had been around long enough to have the knowlegde to fill in any extra information

this is partly why i don't do any edits on the wiki to begin with (AIDS idea and laziness aside). i'm no oldbie (or oldfag, whichever term you prefer) so touching most of the links listed under https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Special:WantedPages would feel like roaming through uncharted territory that has been mapped already by an explorer from eons ago.
Here's a new article, hoep u liek red linkz!

What about this?
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better than what i had in mind. outstanding, anon.
Awesome, thanks for writing smile I liek redlinks too
I wish there were more than one or two regular editors. I am scaring expecting everything from certain power users would tire them out in longer term

I say just make an account (takes less than a minute...) and start editing whatever u feel like. Maybe that will inspire other users to contribute too, but really, any little edit one makes is appreciated as things are now.

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