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when we getting a god dam flash board like in the old style of 4chan like list. not a typical imageboard board.
About 2 and a half years ago, and also rite now: https://img.heyuri.net/f/
I too really want a /f/ as well... cry
The one linked above got b0rked, and it was a buggy board before that

There doesn't seem to be any open sourced flash board softwares (or that I could find) sadly, so I need to find a volunteer PHP dev to work on it. I would hire a non-volunteer one, but I don't have any income for now
Alternatively Kolyma's dev is back too, but obviously Heyuri doesn't have much to do with them besides using kokonotsuba anymore so I don't know if they would work on /f/
i wish i knew programming enough to help with that. i really want like a swf/flash board in like the golden age of /f/
ughhh why r some boards hidden
>ughhh why r some boards hidden
They're not "hidden" per se, but rather they were discontinued without being outright deleted

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