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How would heyuri feel about using vichan or something?
I don't think vichan (nor lynxchan for that matter) is a good idea cuz a jazillion other English-language imageboards use it, and I've heard from a million different admins over the years about how it seriously suck balls and is impossible to work with. Hell, I didn't even need to hear from them cuz a lot of the times you could just plainly see and feel how sucky and unstable the board software was while using it dark

If a time came where we absolutely had to ditch kokonotsuba, the obvious (and best) choice would be to go back to either "Heyuri 2.0" or Sakomoto - they have all the features we've come to expect from Heyuri, and the only real reason we left them was cuz they ran liek crap if you tried to have more than 10-20 pages worth of threads (which is still a problem with kokonotsuba)

If those options were somehow nonviable, and we wanted something vaguely familiar that has a lot of QoL features and - more importantly - is still actively maintained, then jschan is probably the best bet. If it came down to it, I'd be willing to spend the time and effort to get it looking as close to the classic imageboard look as possible, cuz by default it doesn't have a Futaba-like theme

If THAT was also a non-option, I'd be open to forgoing the gazouBBS/futaba format entirely going for something wildly different - something that nobody outside of Japan has ever seen or used before smile
make your own imageboard software! liek me cool
what about NPFchan
>and - more importantly - is still actively maintained
why is that important?
Because Heyuri's #1 problem has always been the lack of a dedicated developer who can fix bugs, patch security holes, work on spam prevention, etc.

For a long time now, we've basically been riding in car going downhill with no brakes - sometimes it crashes and kuz can beat it with a stick until it starts up again, but that won't necessarily work as time goes on. Server software changes, browsers kill off things that used to work but are now considered unsafe, new vunerabilities are found and exploited, new spambots are made - the world does not stand still for Heyuri!

Using a script that is actively maintained means we wouldn't have to worry about that stuff - we can just report any issues we come across to the maintainer and let them deal with it biggrin
I like vichan, but it'd be a serious downgrade going from an indie script to it.
NPFchan is just vichan with extra cruft and abandoned (mlpol was the dev).
>we can just report any issues we come across to the maintainer and let them deal with it
What a shit mindset, this is the kind of thinking that is the reason why all technology is endlessly getting worse and worse. no one is willing to take accountability for anything, it is always just someone else's fault, not yours.

There is literally NOTHING wrong with the software heyuri uses.
>Heyuri's #1 problem has always been the lack of a dedicated developer who can fix bugs, patch security holes
Please give an example of the "bugs" or "security holes".
software can just be functional, everything doesn't need to be in a perpetually constant state of being "updated" with "new" "features" and yet heyuri with no main developer gets new features pretty often...
99% of "bugs" and "security holes" need like ONE dude to fix them ONCE
Read the thread properly instead of just jumping in at that post!

I'm not in support of dropping our current software, nor dropping the scripts we were using b4 kokonotsuba should it become completely nonviable - this was a thought experiment about the purely hypothetical scenario where none of the above options were viable (which isn't actually that hypothetical since we've had to move scripts a couple of times before) closed-eyes2

And the problem is that Heyuri doesn't even have "ONE dude to fix them ONCE", as stated by kuz and kaguya many times over the past year and a half. You should read the previous townhall logs, where any and all ideas, feature requests, bugfixes, etc. regarding kokonotsuba and Heyuri were shot down across the board due to "lol no developers". And while kuz and kaguya have been able to fix certain things in the past themselves (usually after a lot of pressure and persuasion...), they will not always be able to do so - either due to not having enough l33t sk1llz, or simply being too burned out or busy with other things

If you lurk a little moar you'll also lern how we've been affected in the past by vulnerabilities and hax0rs - hell, it was only a few weeks ago that the entirety of /b/ was nuked via a lone MLP spammer, and that's far from the worst we've ever encountered

Heyuri was once forcefully taken offline and considered DEAD for 3 months in 2020 after a nefarious actor with root access took over and deleted the entire site after having already spammed the shit out of it for over a month after having already destroyed the hard drives of our previous servers causing us to lose an entire month's worth of heavy development on our (then) new script, not to mention all their social engineering and intentionally causing rifts among Heyuri's former staff cry

The ONLY reason something like that isn't happening on a more regular basis is because nobody with the ability to do so has been trying. That's it. All it would take is another skiddie to get butthurt over something, or decide to use us as target practice, and Heyuri will be deader than /dating/ once more. That's the cold hard truth, and that's why using a popular script used by several other sites who have already faced and resolved these problems has its benefits, should it ever come to that

I also recommend taking a look at our Strange World and Oekaki boards, which are both running on open source scripts maintained by individuals outside of Heyuri - all we have to do is occasionally update them, which isn't entirely painless, but it's leagues better than trying to discover and patch problems ourselves (especially given that we've had ZERO actual developers behind Heyuri for the past year and a half)
>especially given that we've had ZERO actual developers behind Heyuri for the past year and a half
Jeez. You guys need to announce the need for developers, then - or get some exercise on the l33t skillz. Heyuri still has a lot of potential, even now.
its been in the form of a banner for like 5 months...
I seem to be very retarded.

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