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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
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Hi im from a different website and im trying to gather information about your previous owner, kuz aka Kuznetsov. Its virtually impossible to find credible sources talking about him and what hes done recently, and everything anyone says about him is contradicted by another person, hell, even what he says he contradicts himself later.

Recently it seems he paid off the owners of a lolcow.farm to surpressed info about him, more specifically a supposed redpill that he is not actually named Kuznetsov, and all pictures of him are fake. There was a recent leak of a VK account that showed kuz is a illegal immigrant (from or to?) the netherlands, whos real name is Cornelius van Derstel. No pictures of him, but some of his wife. Anywho, any info about this?

Also im not expecting a deletion because kuz doesnt own this site anymore and it would be very suspicious if the admin deleted this

Thanks in advance for any information
Heyuri isn't interested in myths about his personal life, lolcows or whatsoever.
- he speaks fluent Russian and lives in the USA
- his waifu is/was Tomo from Azumanga Daioh
- he also lieks xqs's rendition of Setsunai Waha
- he is one of Heyuri's longest remaining oldbies, if not the longest
- he owns/hosts moar websites on any given day than he did the day before
- he has a seemingly conflicting penchant for both old interwebz culture and nu-4chan style shitposting
- he is a controversial figure on many bulletin boards, including some of his own
- he regularly partakes in long-form trolling and intentional misdirection, and is dedicated to the craft
- he is comftorably incorrect (´ー`)

- everything else
Some say his hair can be used as shark repellent, and he once got arrested for selling a pickle that doesn't bounce in Connecticut.
Kuz is the former owner of Heyuri
kuz may be a cat
kuz is a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything

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