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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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Because I have less time, and less dedication, as well as other things to focus on in life, I am passing on ownership of Heyuri to Kaguya, who is extremely dedicated to this site and behind 90% of its moderation. In time, you will come to know him, and in your own ways you will learn his great virtue, but for now I will just leave it like this: He is nothing like me. He is a kind, peaceful man who will guide Heyuri into a better age, be sure to give him some love, as it was hard for him to accept that the Great Kuz would no longer lead Heyuri. Hopefully he will be much more liked by the userbase as well. There will be a Q&A to meet him soon.

I had an excellent time on Heyuri, I appreciate the people who made it great.

Your faithful admin of 2 years,

its over cry
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I could sense this was coming, but still... it hurts cry

I'm not sure what to say, so I think I'll start by quoting my response to the previous kuz retirement:
https://archive.ph/UUcav - 2020/08/27

>Assuming that this retirement is serious (the internet is Serious Business after all), that fucking sucks to hear man, seriously fucking sucks sad

>I sincerely hope you reconsider, or at least continue posting here as non-staff (although I personally would prefer you to be here with ur trusty b&hammer by your side, b&'ing teh n00bs)

>When I first came here, cavalier was still 2nd admin (R.I.P. ;_;7), but the posts on Heyuri were still 90% tomoposts, and tomo was effectively the site's mascot (even now she's still a huge part of the site's identity and in all the OC, something I personally love) - so to me, a Heyuri without its resident tomoposter, isn't Heyuri at all

>Not to mention, it was fairly obvious that much of the moderation was being done by you, often cleaning things up so fast that most people didn't even realize anything rule-breaking had even occurred. Your apparent absence in Heyuri's moderation seems to have made this place go from gold to SUX in record time, which really goes to show how much Heyuri needs you on board

>I honestly don't think there's any replacement out there to match what you bring to this place - and I don't just mean that in terms of moderation, but also in terms of the content, the character, the LOLsworthy hijinks, and just the all-round fun

(the rest of that post is concerning drama and how to minimize it, so I'll stop there)

But yeah... I still agree with everything I said back then:
- a Heyuri without its resident tomoposter doesn't feel much like Heyuri
- your absence in Heyuri's moderation makes this place go from gold to SUX very quickly
- there's no replacement for the content, character, hijinks, and fun that you brought to Heyuri

I've probably been expressing myself poorly all this time, but in all my annoying longposts and rants these past 18 months or so, all I ever really wanted to get across was that I wanted you to return as Heyuri's admin in spirit and in action rather than in only in name - you were the fucking best man, I miss my W.T. Kuz ;_;

That said, I recognize that the above was unlikely to happen due to the changes in your circumstances and priorities, so I think that you making the difficult (and probably emotional/painful) decision to step down and let someone else take up the mantle is ultimately the right one - even if I secretly haet it and wish things could be different... ;_;

You're still gonna stick around and post with us though, right? Don't leave me... cry
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I am going to be honest: 95% of my interaction with the staff around here has been with kaguya, as he was the one who originally proposed the great friendship between heyuri and wapchan. So, I am happy for him to be able to fully guide this site into a new age, and look forward to future events involving both of our sites. smile
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The power of friendship... astonish
RIP to Kuz. Long live Kaguya. And lolico, please come back.
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Goodbye Kuz!
Bye kuz! biggrin
I wasn't expecting this when I opened the site today though I can't pretend that I didn't expect Kaguya to replace you eventually considering all the signs....
Regardless though, thanks for essentially saving the site and keeping it up all this time, now go get some rest sweat
Wasn't Lolico reemployed by Kolyma as a developer?
I think in the latest townhall Kuz said that all the developers kept disappearing, including lolico. Yes even Barry the PHP saviour.
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Goodbye Kuz ;-;

I will thank you for introducing me to Kolyma, thank you very much. You deserve the praise you get after all.

Remain respectful in this thread please
Nothing "disrespectful" was posted, mystery mod-san closed-eyes

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