Any chance of there being a way to not have the email field be remembered?I've been hit with this a few times, getting an option applied to a post because I didn't notice the email field had sage instead of noko in it or whatever, and I've seen a few others be hit with it general, you only really want to sage/fortune/flag/nokoflag a specific post, and it's very easy to forget that it got saved; I pretty much only want noko on 99% of my postsalways noko is checked, but it doesn't do thisMarked for deletion (Old)
Why don't we just delete the option to post on Heyuri altogether at this point
just make another field called special, you can put noko, sage, fortune, roll, etc in itthis way special gets auto filled and email wont be auto filled anymore
>>67100Bad idea. JS wizardry to make the field not remember "sage"/"fortune"/"flag"(/"noko" if auto noko isn't checked) etc shouldn't be that hard