do mods recognize the IP of users and be more lenient or strict base on familiarity.Marked for deletion (Old)
When a post stands out as rule-breaking, I'll log in to teh mod panel (which shows the IP address of every post) to deal with it. Sometimes the post in question will be from a familiar IP address/range that I've seen dozens of times before when dealing with rule-breaking posts, at which point I'll give the post less benefit of the doubt and maybe deal out a longer ban duration (not that it makes much difference)I'm not monitoring teh mod panel and categorizing every IP into naughty & nice lists liek Santa-san if that's what ur asking
yes they do, and I'm on teh nice list
>>65215You should do that and at christmas give them nice little decorations depending on what list they're on >:)
Could a mod kindly confirm or deny my suspicions that the painfully unfunny PENIS and VAGINA spam on /b/ is coming entirely from one luser trying really hard to force a meme?
>Could a mod kindly confirm or deny my suspicions that the painfully unfunny PENIS and VAGINA spam on /b/ is coming entirely from one luser trying really hard to force a meme?Others have begun joining in recently, but yeah - the VAST majority of it has been coming from a single user