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My he be dearly missed. crycrycry

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lol what a nigger. biggrin
anotha dead nigra lul
This is an ode to OJ
stone faced killah who likes to play
with knives, and blonde-haired wives
spends his time golfing and taking innocent lives
he's a hard man, when it comes to killing, he can
or beat your head in with a frying pan
he's been accused of spousal abuse
but beating up women, that ain't like the juice
he's kind and gentle, sweet as shirley temple
and the evidence that he beat her isn't very ample
for example, there are only a few samples
that Nicole's face, he tried to trample
but sometimes, you'd think her face he beat
such crimes, she looked like a piece of raw meat
but give it up, cuz there's only one juice
a little hot-tempered
when he thought his wife was loose
but not guilty, that's what the jury said
paint chips they were fed, poisoned by lead
the result of that is to become brain-dead
and the attorney, denied there was a gurney
with smooth words paid by what he earney'd
making movies, like the classic Naked Gun
no-one can deny that his role made for fun
shenanigans and pranks
too bad he ended up
slashing folks with bloody shanks
A recorded ode to OJ: https://invidious.jing.rocks/watch?v=ZxL_L8nSVCI
I don't disagree with OJ :D
OJ "if it doesnt fit u must acquit" Simpson
my day is ruined
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so did MJ touch any young guys or not i never looked into it myself but he seemed like a cool guy. some say he turned white but i always thought he was trying to turn korean and that it just went horribly wrong.
I would just say the accusations started going viral when he started talking bad about music companies like sony and how dirty and scummy they are.
that's true. he was calling them out. they shut him up.
was he perhaps murdered as well? or did it not go that far. have to wonder.
I don't know, his family tried to sue the doctor, I don't remember if it was a botched operation or giving him the wrong meds.
Only 90s kids will remember... Well US 90s kids anyway.
Personally I think he was innocent. Just another victim of pedowood.
I think he did it, but he is in the right. Cheating=death.
>>:NIGRA: test
<<Obviates Justice Simpson gets to see Nicole now...

>>Does she dispense Pez or talk out of her nek, or both?

Only the juice knows for sure

Pic unrelated

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