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Is this what NEETs do all day?unsure

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Watching shitty youtube videos all day? I'm sure some neets do that but I prefer anime, manga and porn. If you're asking if neets build weird shit in their homes I don't think so, if we were that productive we wouldn't be neets.
>Watching shitty youtube videos all day?
that's exactly what most neets do xd
NEET is a very vague and encapsulating term. NEETs most of the time aren't /jp/ oriented at all. they could be doing exactly that, building shit if it's their hobby.
i watched a lot of anime and read a lot of manga, played video games during my time as a neet. neet for speed was really big back whenever that was, on the game cube/legend of zelda twilight princess. i was a neet all the way up to 2019. about 15 years or so. so many ups and downs mentally. i was fat as shit in 2013 lol. and still chubby in 2019. but these days i am slim and a little toned. i'm pretty proud of myself. as a neet i did a lot of music stuff. i taught myself guitar and piano so i could make BGM and cover music from games. a lot of pokemon and zelda at first, digimon and yugioh anime music. that was all back in 2005. when angel beats came out i got really into covering that type of music, girls dead monster. i also did teach myself japanese, german and thai. i'm still most behind with japanese somehow but that's just how it is.

i always dreamt of going to asia and europe. i got into thai and japanese first because of black lagoon. cambodia on and off hasn't been a safe country. i actually got my passport. nearly 10 years ago. it's felt like such a waste.
being a NEET wasn't easy. and i was definitely lazy and not very productive at all. only at random i'd get super into that stuff. which i heard is a sign of manic depression which wouldn't surprise me if i had.

if anyone reading this is currently a NEET goodluck to you if you're in a not so great place. use your time wisely and justify your time sitting there with some means of productivity. teach yourself and take care of yourself.
i almost died of a heatstroke once because my home didn't have AC and it was the middle of summer. fill up some buckets or something with water for your feet or take a cool shower.
not an neet but presently have a lot of time with nothing to do. i've been trying to implement digital logic algorithms from electronics in scratch, and amusing myself with the non-roleplay videos of the people who make roleplay videos.
NEET thread revival ?

even tho i'm not a neet anymore. (;゚∀゚)

i'd like to go back to it. but personally i know i can't rely on my family forever because they will make me homeless. gov denied me aid twice already when i was jobless. i even told them i was homeless the second time.
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yeah neet life was great. while mine only lasted for 2 years, those years was teh time of my life. All teh xp grind and anime was endless!
i graduated in 2012 and was a neet up until just last year in maybe july or so. i've been working a part time job ever since then. lately i think i'm going to be fired for my incompetence.
under other circumstances i would really not care at this point if i were to be fired but in my post above i said how i wouldn't be able to support my NEET life alone...

i hate this feeling of not knowing if i'll be fired or if i'll get in trouble. life has become so stressful lately. because i have a regional manager who is at my store constantly these days. and he has been targeting me this week. it's driving me insane. it's crazy that just around almost a year ago i was living such a great life. sleeping when i want, drawing all i want, eating and showering whenever. sometimes i'd switch up the schedule depending if i was in the mood for mornings and sleeping all night, or gaming all night and sleeping in the day. there's nothing comfier than being able to wake up late at night to just do whatever you want, and then decide you'll go to bed at 2pm the next day. i seriously miss that freedom. binge anime/read manga, download a VN. binge some movies randomly the next day. nightly walks to the mcdonalds/convenience store. i'll never have that life again, i'll never be that comfortable again. people at my work think i'm an older high schooler graduate of high school. being a NEET stopped me from aging, it's crazy. i tell them my real age and they don't believe me. i still can't tell how old people are and i think they're all in their 30s when most are actually younger than me. work really destroys people inside and out.

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