I don't suppose anyone has this thread still open/loaded in a tab on their browser? It was about Futaba Channel.https://img.heyuri.net/b/koko.php?res=105222Majorly pissed I didn't save that thread in time before the soyjack raid, there was lots of info and text in it concerning how the board operated. Can't rely on a Google cached version cause I guess Google doesn't scrape here?I mean damn that thread was up for a week and was fine, and suddenly its just GONE!I would like the link back to the thing that expands the size and tools of the handwriting-js box, please.Marked for deletion (Old)
https://tsumanne.net/ for a futaba archive, not sure on anything else though
>I would like the link back to the thing that expands the size and tools of the handwriting-js box, please.https://hadacan.web.fc2.com/tegaki/Always archive/save threads u find valuable!
>>109474I have no idea how to navigate that search for things.>>109529I do! I should have hit save right after my last reply to that thread, but I was waiting to see if anyone else was going to reply to it.Slim chance hope someone still has the thread loaded in a tab to save. What were the odds we were gonna get raided...
>>109537*or search for
>>109474Would like some guidance on how to navigate that place.Also, someone last thread linked an archive where you needed to make an account to login to see old threads. I can't find it, I was browsing in a private window at the time so it's not in my browser history. Please help.
>>109745>Would like some guidance on how to navigate that place.i'm not really sure myself i posted teh link since it's relevant
>Would like some guidance on how to navigate that place.Click on 「」ッチー@mayThat's it. I'm not sure how it indexes the tags at the right either...
>>109759I wanted to know how to search for things.Anyway, I did find the other archive, the one where you need to log in.If a mod is out there, I guess there is not any chance that the thread URL in OP is sitting in some cache or backup? Still miffed its gone.
Figure I'd ask, I always see these threads on /jun/. Who is this character?http://jun.2chan.net/jun/res/24677754.htm
>>109898>Who is this character?ムジーナ