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ARREST HIM!!1! (ノ`д´)ノ

Marked for deletion (Old)
it's teh best art style ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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I know!! It's so cute! x3
wtf, i look like that, why would they be so mean... ( ´ _ `)
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Why do Westerners haet cute things so much? sad
lefts clown make-up is pretty bad. (´ー` )
they don't!
unfortunately, westerner marketing departments do
i had a lapse of judgement and used the quote incorrectly... i am sorry. emo
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Even when they don't touch the visuals they ruin it with the dub. I thought anime was shit up until my 20s because I only ever heard it dubbed on american TV, and it was all dubbed like this.
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and here it is subbed
at least that VA is trying to sound under-age. Nowadays they dont even try, its just old ladies intentionally doing old lady voices out of spite or something. ( ´,_ゝ`)
i liked anime, despite bad dubs, watching dubbed anime was all you had in my day, aside from bootleg VHS, i didnt think much of it, and just switched to JP as soon as i could.
whenever i hear english dubbed anime i'm so repulsed by it that i wonder if i would like anime at all if it was only available english dubbed
i feel you 😔
you shouldn't be using google for that when there are plenty of image repositories liek gelbooru
Moe only exists in Japanese language (´人`)
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I disagree
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🇩🇪Germany wins once again🇩🇪tongue
eine döner bitte
voice too deep. ( ´ー` )
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that is to be expected for shows not created in their respected countries although some dubs attempt to mimic the original many do not. companies like adv films were trying to push out a lot of anime like arcade abenobashi azumanga daioh and pani poni dash and their quality shows. closed-eyes
i actually thought the lucky star dub was pretty faithful.

using the haruhi VA for konata (which is what the japanese did) is consistency you dont normally see from western dubbers...
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Let's compare cute characters.
West: Pippi Longstocking, Harriet, Libby Stein-Torres, etc
East: Indiscernable Uguu-max-tan character #20397549
At least the West tries to make different looking characters. Anime art is essentially a series of recolors of the more famous predecessor with barely anything in the way of development besides "let's redraw the iris" or "let's reshape the head slightly". To avoid getting banned for not fitting in, I will say that this knowledge comes from well over a decade of watching anime.
i really like the rosebud family especially the girl with adhd or add shes my favorite ヽ(´∇`)ノ
that sounds like doo doo but I do watch a lot of anime in German dubs when available. Girls und Panzer is a favorite and I'm still waiting for a kraut/bernd out there to upload the ger dub of Lucky Star
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>Libby Stein-Torres
one of the ugliest young female character designs I've ever seen
this is the first harriet that comes up on gelbooru, are you talking about this one? https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=harriet_bree
>Maria Gonzalez
disgusting and whoever drew that image made her breasts look like fake silicone ones you'd see at a strip club
>Pippi Longstocking
this is the best Pippi Longstocking adaptation: https://myanimelist.net/anime/2611/Panda_Kopanda
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>one of the ugliest young female character designs I've ever seen
Fucking take that back.
>this is the first harriet that comes up on gelbooru, are you talking about this one? [cancer link]
No, Harriet the Spy. See attached
>disgusting and whoever drew that image made her breasts look like fake silicone ones you'd see at a strip club
Well that's fanart. Her original depiction is delicately beautiful, as most girls her age are. The original artist is getting more liberal in his designs of the characters' hips and breasts lately, though.
>this is the best Pippi Longstocking adaptation
Oh look, a flat, boring Japanese adaptation of art that originally had some independent design elements to it. They designed it to look like every other kiddy-anime that was airing at the time.

Seriously, I don't get how people have nostalgia-lens for a time they didn't even grow up in.
this is some deviant art shit
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libby is a cute character, you can't say shes not look at her.
I've never seen the show and didn't know her name, I've seen the character before and thought she was supposed to be a pajeet because her nose but if she is supposed to be a J and has a big nose is fucking insanely funny.
Anyway there are so many cute western anime characters and differing art styles.
You wanna see actual ugly western art style?
^this is supposed to be for "ADULTS"
Are you this guy?: https://www.vidlii.com/watch?v=3JO5T_IN08B
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>>133222 is MY only post in this thread but I did see that video on vidlii the other day and was crackin the frick up
the blue hair one pisses me the frick off with the way they write her dialog, glad i've never watched the actual show
anyway we all know who the best western anime girl is...
>there are so many cute western anime characters
yeah, these: https://myanimelist.net/stacks/16752 xd
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-unfunny nigger shit
-random computer/internet reference
-god awful somehow corporate art direction
Yeah, looks like new Adult Swim. I thought this shit was going to be contained to ADHD when the Major Lazer show came out (I liked Diplo so I dug the show), but seeing it leak everywhere and become the millenial artstyle was rough. I'm >>133218 and I gave the show a chance because the VA for Master Shake acts in it and does a pretty good job, but I do not know how other people who grew up on that, Space Ghost, and all the other shows that made Adult Swim anything could make what you linked. BTW nevermind Robot Chicken that shit was only funny as a child
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Contributing to the discussion (・∀・)
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holy crap... how come nobody told me about this
we should arrest you for using opera gx (´ー`)
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