Hello /b/. If anyone here plays oldschool yu-gi-oh!, and thinks they're good enough to have a chance, they should play me for the title of "Duel Master of Heyuri". I already know who the master is, I just want to make it official (`ー´)You can play via YGOPROMarked for deletion (Old)
>"Duel Master of Heyuri"i dont know how 2 play but that title sounds fukken epic
Maybe the winner should get a capcode that says that
it sounds like it would be funbut I am terrible at Yu-Gi-Oh
Does no one dare? I expected at least one to be foolish enough as to challenge me! Maybe I can practice on you 127925-san while I wait.
im too smart to challenge a master! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
>im too smart to challenge a master! ヽ(`Д´)ノWell, I guess some users here are smarter than I thought
Do you remember this?
DN has a successor that's just as good. Are you suggesting we duel there? It would be better
I don't think a whole lot of people here know how to play
I guess I win by default
>I guess I win by defaultWINNAR
I guess this is my capcode now. If anyone challenges my title, register on DB or ygopro and make your username known
MAD thread?
ill play u in edison format if ur up for the challenge op
I prefer traditional format, do you concur?
If on dueling book, look for "Heyuri Duel Master" and the password is "BOKU". For observers, watch password is desu