usually i hate namefags, but you're alright. postthat is allMarked for deletion (Old)
Tell us about yourself
Man, there used to be so many I've been looking through some older posts recently (any1 remember jr?) but really they aren't that bad. I'm a true anon of course, shii is my net idoru, but sperging against name and tripfags is not the Heyuri way and kills all lulz! At most, seeing someone like Hachikuji constantly post makes the place feel a bit small, but that's a user problem, not a them problem ┐(゚~゚)┌
Shii was WRONG
Shii was RIGHT
>Tell us about yourselfi rape. i work for rapeman enterprises
Where did you receive your education in RAEPing?
>Where did you receive your education in RAEPing? everything Shii wrote here is at odds with reality and pulled out of his ass - which he later admitted himself. With 20 years of evidence and hindsight since it was written, the wrongness of Shii is more apparent than ever!
>which he later admitted himself.Please tell! I am very interested in these things (´・ω・`)
>>Almost everything Shii wrote here is at odds with reality and pulled out of his ass - which he later admitted himself. With 20 years of evidence and hindsight since it was written, the wrongness of Shii is more apparent than ever!not canon tldr
>Please tell! I am very interested in these things (´・ω・`)One example:>When I wrote my anonymity essay in 2004, I didn't actually believe everything I wrote. I am anti-Internet, and I wanted to unleash a force on the Internet and make it less predictable.Another:>In my most widely propagated essay written before the launch of ESK, I advocated for no-holds-barred anonymity, using logic based not on any deep experience but on common sense. However, it's been shown that the Internet often runs contrary to common sense, so I will have to take a few steps back right now.
>>126570Thx for the links ( ´ω`) I feel it's been proven people will shitpost and flame regardless of the lack of accounts, though I believe alot of his points in the original essay about anonymity countering vanity still ring true, and it's why I prefer anonymous forums where users tend to not care as much about their e-peen. Anonymous imageboards still tend not to be bastions of quality, quite the opposite really, but when it works, it's a powerful force and creates an enigmatic culture that's hard to replicate. case in point: Heyuri (・∀・)
shii was right on accident, as is often the case (corollary: shii is often wrong)I absolutely remember all the dumb bullshit from the forum era and people with 10k+ posts acting like they were gods among swine despite basically being know-nothing-NEETs (sometimes literally, and it was much harder to be online 24/7 back in 2004 vs today, where I can just post at work). Anon posting kills that shit dead. The post is all, the history of the poster is irrelevant.anon posting also introduces its own categories of problem as seen on 4chan among other boards, but ┐(゚~゚)┌
>Anon posting kills that shit dead. The post is all, the history of the poster is irrelevant.Not entirely true. While Anonymous might not be judging your exact post history, he frequently assumes your identity to be one of the various groups/individuals he doesn't like - which in many cases is someone who is new, an outsider, a shill, etc.I personally prefer to post anonymously, but I don't think everyone posting as "Anonymous" is what makes imageboards good. I'd opt for a friendly atmosphere with pseudonyms over a hostile atmosphere with "anons" any day - when I arrived at Heyuri in 2020, it was much more the former
>>126584a lot of that is unchecked 4chan culture that 4chan probably should have taken steps against like 16-17 years ago but instead let things fester forever ( ´,_ゝ`)
>>126584I'm with you on that. I connected with some special people on early /jp/ because of the name and trip culture it once had. Normals use anonymity to escape their social media accounts. That is the only use anonymous imageboards have to them, i.e., the imageboard part of it is of comparatively little value to them. More and more, posters don't even use images, and when they do, they might attach some awful image they saved on their phone from some mega-popular website. No proper filename, folder organization, cultural impact, or OC.... Technically speaking, it isn't even about pure anonymity to them. Anonymity is just a way for them to circumvent censorship. If there were no censorship, they would have never been interested in being anonymous. For them it is merely the only viable counter-action. They openly say as much "elsewhere" (4chan.)"Everywhere else is shit. There's nowhere else to go." They seem to think anonymous imageboards are forums as well. Maybe some people would technically consider all boards a type of forum, but that's not what I'm talking about — my point is that imageboards are becoming much more popular, and newer people barge in without the slightest clue what they are; "imageboard" does not even seem to be a term in their vocabulary, so they just use forum as a substitute.