i torrent something, but teh files are b0rk in mpv & vlc ヽ(`Д´)ノMarked for deletion (Old)
Sucks to be you!
...how fucked does an encode have to be to not play in VLC?
>>116768If you actually want to be helped, you need to give more detailsWhat were you torrenting?Is the torrent finished and error-free?What errors are you getting in mpv and vlc?
>What were you torrenting?CP. that is the only detail i can provide
I would be worried if I didn't find pizza in my pizza box
>>116807I was editing some gameplay footage once and encoded the cut down clip to an mp4 file and like a fucking idiot I didn't check to see if the file was ok before I deleted the original footage. Days later I go to open the file and it doesn't play in any software at all. Some stuff like VLC knows there is something there, like it can get the length of the video but nothing plays. It is 4GB and surely that can't be 4GB of random data. Maybe one day I will upload it and some crazy h264 hacker can fix it but 4gb would take approx 12hours on my internet to upload D:
>>116840Digital food is the future ヽ(`Д´)ノ