pedos of heyuri have you ever told any family member or friends about your attraction? how did they take it? did your relationship with them change?this question is also for those who are only attracted to fictional charactersMarked for deletion (Old)
i told my parents and some of my friends about my attraction and they are cool about it so far nothing has changed i might get mocked for it but its poking fun
>have you ever told any family member or friends about your attraction?no, I don't have friends and my family doesn't even know I watch anime
>>110553just like that? wowyou've got good friends
my friends see me as a normal nice and caring person so telling them my attraction may have been to them weird but they are good with me
>>110557how exactly did you tell them? did you gather them all and say something like "there's something i need to tell you"?
They've been fine since I had to explain my lack of interest in girls isn't because I'm teh ghey
I feel like in non-English speaking third world countries, where half of Heyuri's userbase is, telling someone you like kids is like telling someone you like feet. You're weird, but in a funny way and there's no strong moral aspect to it. You're just known as the friendly neighborhood kidfucker henceforth.I believe this due to there being more pressing things to worry about in the third world, like being able to eat that night or not getting raped and murdered by some wandering drug gang, but also because this wasn't so far off from how it was in the first world just forty years ago. It feels like everyone I know has some story of a gym teacher that'd invite the cheerleader team he coached to his house for a pool party, and everyone remembered him as the sweet old pervert guy. Things have changed so much.
>>110560that's mindblowing to me, even then i'd still assume nobody would allow people to have sex with their kids though
>>110561in third world countries a lot of parents surely will for the right price
I think it might also be because a lot of third worlders are more genetically similar to cave people. Back in the stone age, stone parents used to give their kids away to single pedo cavemen because they couldnt afford to care for them. So the pedo cavemen took the cavekids back to their hovels, and fed/fucked them
>>110564something to look forward to after WW3
my closest friends dont mindi succesfully streamed mitsudomoe and kodomo no jikan to them to watch together, and they enjoyed my parents dont know
>>110567how likely is it that they also have the same attraction in your opinion?
>>110567my friend and i watched the entire ichigo mashimaro and azumanga daioh together it was fun we plan on watching mitsudomoe eventually this year
I haven't told anyone, but my parents have seen my PC wallpaper (pic related) and they said nothing, so maybe they don't mind.They probably would be more worried if they knew I liked 3D lolis too, though.
>>110560It was old-style pedo-ing, before it got such a bad name.
>>110570epic winrar background, heres mine
Heyuri: Old-Style Pedo-ing!
Have told a few people lost a couple friends because of the fact that i told them.Would never tell my family and still too this day i try to stay private about it despite the fact that i do leave hints but most have not caught on.I have the Lolita novel on my bookshelf and a few others like the Blue Lagoon and the movie Lamb from 2015 on DVD and a Sagiri Izumi Eromanga Sensei figure. One of the reasons i became a hikki NEET is because of my attraction and i hide away in shame because my family hates pedos and society's discrimination and hate gets to me at times.
>>110570if you show them this maybe they'll understand
I thought uoh was banned?
>>110567>>110569>>110570you do know liking anime does not make you a pedo right? like these kinds of posts are kinda fishy feeling, as if someone is trying to insinuate something.
You should go to your local police stations and tell them how you feel. I hear they have support groups for this sort of thing.
What the fuck. Here you would get your balls cut off if you ever admitted to liking 3d kids. Also, do you differentiate 2d from 3d? I heard Japanese in general do not.
what do you mean here?
>>110620I know from videos I've seen online that Africans tend to chop off pedo balls, maybe 110610 is a nigra
>>110622They also kill gay people and in the 2000s beat anyone who tried being emo what's your point?
>>110598If you said to someone you liked a BL anime, they'd think you're gay. Just like that, if you show someone an anime with little girls in sexual situations, they'd think you're a pedophile.
>>110624My point is that they were correct.
are nigras even humans?
most of my friends know I like lolinone of my family does though
i have been kicked out of multiple communities within the past few years for liking kids
>>110555what's this have to do with anime?
>>110821the only anime I watch is loli anime so if my family caught me watching anime it would be that
my best friend knows that I am a lolicon. I've shown him a few works, but he wasn't really enthusiastic.he likes mature women, however, so he's appreciated some straight shota doujins I recommended him. almost a year ago we had a touhou shota doujin thread here and he enjoyed himself ヽ(´ー`)ノI think if I told some of my other friends, they would disown me.