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what games are you going to purchase?

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i recommend this one, it might be old but it was my favorite as a kid before minecraft released
you can easily torrent it, torrented version is better because you can throw files around and even have them portable, and online play is enabled without a distinction of paid from pirated
>favorite as a kid
gonna purchase aom retold instead
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I bought a steam deck, + these games.
You're going to download the original sprites... right anon? closed-eyes
First episode was free - so i really didn't look into it. When I decide to really play it, yeah, ofc i will! cool
why pay? ph34r
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The OG sprites can be turned on as an option in the Steam edition. But what he really needs is the console voice acting that's patched onto the OG sprites in fan editions. The games are just not the same without the voices. Get the nyaa editions for the best of all worlds.
Well yeah, I am a little bit sceptical of steam version! Voices is a must! But as teh game was free... i like free! nyaoo-closedeyes
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you think you're the only smart person who can torrent huh? can't you imagine that some people buy games to play multiplayer closed-eyes
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>can't you imagine that some people buy games to play multiplayer
multiplayer is ABHORENT unless it is free!! it's not so common anymore but in older payed games with multiplayer all you would need to do is log in on a pirated client and be able to play multiplayer.
>multiplayer is ABHORENT
says who?
>says who?
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ur nobody u little turd
>u little turd
astonish How could you say that!? Well in the end i still keep mai $50 cool
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I bought Hakoniwa Explorer, a cool voxel rpg where you can squeeze cute girls butts ヽ(´ー`)ノ
the combat and pixel art are pretty good too.
I remember only seeing that game when I searched for Hakoniwa Islands
secret connection? ph34r
when you are an "adult", you somehow want to spend money to find some peace of mind from doing boring work everyday. Using money is teh reward. 50 usd is kids money. lolico
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but there are so many fun things to waste money on that can't be downloaded for free and you probably don't even have shelves that look like this yet
pc games? sexy figures? i can barely afford food...
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I 50~~ figz at top, but i sold most of mine and haev around 10-15~~ now! nyaoo-closedeyes
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i am wizard with magic power! cool
i have too many games to play to want to buy any more right now X_X plus almost all of the games on my wishlist i either don't think i will ever end up buying but have them there just in case, or are cheap enough that if i do want to buy it when there's not a sale going on then my wallet will not be hurting for it.

you should try saya no uta if you get the chance.
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I luv saya! biggrin
Wow, is that Cham Cham in the back?
Steam is so fucking EW.

Piracy FTW
Yes it is, she is my favorite of all my figures! Very rare and hard to find! I bought it from japanese auction! biggrin
I bought Street Fighter 6 but I don't liek it
teh only fighting game i really liked are tekken!
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I bought a multitude of shmups, you guys should check out Cotton Rock'n Roll, it has a great variety of characters with different playstyles.
Sorry if I sound like an obvious shill, I just absolutely love this dumb bitch.
seems like a casual game. I'm more like a hardcore gamer cool
shmups are casual?
except touhou and touhou variants, yes.
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Why, it's barely a step above Angry Birds.
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That's unfortunate, but I think it would be a fun playthrough even if you're used to more challenging shmups.
I was considering getting Suguri 2 along with some other fruitbat shmups at one point but had some second thoughts, I'll probably pick it up later.
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i bought a lot of orange juice games from steam, they was really cheap!
even non-bullet hells like r-type are harder than touhou on normal mode..
most R-Type games are just hard as shit
the first game is fairly memorizable and isn't too bad for most of it but R-Type 2 is fucked up
and as checkpoint games they all have spots that are an absolute bitch to try and recover from

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