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(btw im sorry if this gets long.... i probably shouldve stayed out of this XD)

while i was gone too.. kuso (´~`) tho i have read thru what happened. honestly? im on neither sides. if either thought for a few minutes, i think this could have been avoided....

i will not say in detail to a bunch of people on an image board, but cosmo has her own problems with herself, i do not completely blame her for this. actually, i think every kid should learn safety so they dont end up in places like this. i was very lucky 2 unconsciously know this when i was rlly little.

im not gonna completely blame heyuri either. there is no rule where it says kids cant post imgs of themselves getting ready for school and etc, neither do they have an underageb&. i am not suggesting they should have one bcuz ik that will go against the kind of website they want heyuri to be, but at least a warning for kids before they see the site (though this is just a suggestion). communities like this is especially not good for kids that have their own problems, i dont think cosmo could rlly even help posting that thread. though showing other people who are kids can end up in something awful happening.

kidz, dont trust image boards or similar things! dont tell them ur age or face or name bcuz it will naut end up good! (also this is offtopic from this, but just bcuz i made this thread doesnt rlly mean ill be active again. it may take a while before im fully online everywhere again xd)
We added a new rule banning underage users, Rule 0: https://www.heyuri.net/index.php?view=rules

This is mostly to save ourselves from legal responsibilities in worst case scenarios. I know from (my friend's) experience that allowing minors in R-18 sites is a gateway for legal trouble.

It's sorrowful, your posts were more in-line with our culture than those of certain users complaining about you, but plz understand this is for the best for Heyuri. Now that being said, come back in a few years!
you did a good thing.
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>>66334 lock these as well
I've never been this happy to be kicked out.
Permab& me btw, ill probably forget about this in a week

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loliz did nothing wrong
They weren't terribly lulzy anyways.
it's a good thing I turned 18 last week tongue
Sigh... well, goodbye guys. I am 17 years old, 364 days, and 23 hours old.
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im 5 years old dont ban pls
So yeah, I made a spacehey account called drawingGiko (i may post art) if the banished users wants to hang out with me, u guys were cool. happy It's ok if you don't.
Sorry for confusing u randoseru...
Can I say goodbye?cry
What brought this on? Is there something I missed? Are mods just paranoid?
i dont know what you did, cosmo
but im gonna miss you cry
Good, they were very annoying. If mods weren't underage themselves they would remember *HOLDS UP SP0RK GIGGLESQUEE P3NGUIN OF D00M XDDDDDDDDDD GLOMPS YOU* mentally defective attention whores being chased out of every imageboard ever.
One step towards the right direction.
Well, I guess its time for underage b& to carry on an old Internet tradition; lying about your age!wink
i totally agree with you 2, ive tried like "hey! you can post..but not personal info (like name, age, location) And im very happy with teh new rule kaguya made!! And its no sad day for heyuri!!
im glad you faggots are getting banned
How hard is it to fake your age? All it takes is the bare minimum self-restraint.
do we want our girls to have self-restraint?
Yes, because then they would be more like me, and I could relate to them better.
cant get the attention of the entire set if you arent underage

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