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Alright, n00b like me here, but I've been on and off 4Chan since ~2007; WTF is this site? It's just larping as oldchan and has a strict R8 to stop the non-stop culture war/psyops that has taken over nu-chan? Cool. I'm in.

But how amish are we, exactly? Is there a specific year we're targeting? Okay, greentext is just quoting again, more oc no wojaks (good), but I like Apu, does that make me a bad person? Can I post him? The rules are so vague it feels like minesweeper with no hints, is all I'm getting at.
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>n00b like me
I don't hate gays, but is "fag" a touchy word here because it's 2024? Hmm...
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1- Welcome! biggrin
>It's just larping as oldchan
Not really, but I suppose it's fine if noobs can think that way until lerning our distinct culture.
>Is there a specific year we're targeting?
yes, 2004!
>but I like Apu, does that make me a bad person? Can I post him?
It's impossible for staff to police what you do outside Heyuri. You can't post him here, but if you stick around you will probably grow to dislike it anyways
>The rules are so vague it feels like minesweeper with no hints, is all I'm getting at.
Other than lurking moar, you can read our wiki: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Meme
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If you think you have a good post and it doesn't explicitly break any rules, you should probably just post it.
Worst case scenario we get a new bad post that will eventually get deleted, best case scenario we a get a new good post that will stay up forever (or at least until the thread dies).
no, you can say faggot and nigger all you want
as others have said, nigger is way too overused, it's recommended to pick another word like "coon" or "spook" instead
just post whatever you feel like to. posting according to rules just immobilize your thoughts.
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>yes, 2004!
I was moderating a nintendo ds forum at that time, didn't even know about imageboards until a few years later.
>what you do outside Heyuri
Alright, so it's either oc, local memes, or memes so old they can drink. I guess I can deal.
Just lurk moar
As long as you follow the rules and don't be a jerk, you can really do anything.
BTW, "newf*g" gets translated to "n00b like me" bcz of how overused it is
n00b like me? unsure
it werks! biggrin
What about moralfag?
You probably don't see it in many major archives because those threads got deleted.
Moralfag is always used with at least some reason, people who say newf*g are just newbies trying to insult other newbies
>Moralfag is always used with at least some reason
In my experience the use without reason is fairly more common
I don't remember when everyone started saying Amerifag, Techfag, Britfag, Ausfag, etc... But I'm glad nobody seems to be trying to reproduce that; got a little much.

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