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ever since the ddos heyuri often takes a lot longer to load, im talking 3 or so more seconds and sometimes it would straight up timeout the connection although this is very rare.
I've noticed most sites take a second more to load ever since i changed providers but none are as bad as heyuri, does this happen to anyone else?
Might have something to do with the Cloudflare protections that were put in place, but I dunno unsure
Loading times are normal for me but it still times out sometimes
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>ever since the ddos heyuri often takes a lot longer to load
Heyuri has moved from Europe to USA, so I assume that's the reason behind that unless Americans experience it too.
In my experience it's not taking any longer than other sites to load unsure

>sometimes it would straight up timeout the connection
It's rare but I experience it too, there isn't really anything I can do about it since it doesn't seem to be a software/server issue sweat3

>Might have something to do with the Cloudflare protections that were put in place
It's not, there are no additional protections on for a while now
>Heyuri has moved from Europe to USA
i didnt know that, that might actually explain the loading time
Am I the only person who's had it load FASTER since the ddos unsure
I'm American, and I've noticed it a few times even after being whitelisted
>Heyuri has moved from Europe to USA

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