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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
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(hope thats okay lol)
but i have very mixed feelings about this situation. ive known angel from another website for a while now, i want to say since maybe june? i can tell you she is not some adult man larping or even trying to larp at all. me and her were introduced to this website by our other friend (who has been defending her in threads), and we dont know everything about the site yet. how angel makes/replies to threads is just how she talks. i actually talk more ethusiastically liek that on other websites but when it comes 2 imageboards i try to fit in with the crowd (*´﹃`*). i really dont think she meant to spam the board, and was just trying to have harmless fun. we apologize if we have done anything wrong, tho!
There's no issue at all - we just have sum grumpy lamers here who came from other imageboards earlier this year, and they're constantly bitching and trying 2 p00p up teh party. These lamers don't "get" Heyuri, and they should be ignored and/or teased nyaoo-closedeyes
i see, so they havent even been on here for that long either sweat3.. thank u for everything u do, mod-sama (´∇`)!
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>i see, so they havent even been on here for that long either
Precisely! And they've been trying to call out other users for being "new" or whatever else ever since they arrived here - little do they know that actual Heyuri oldbies can see rite thru their act, cuz those kinds of "angry self-appointed gatekeeper on a mission to purge everything they don't like" posts rarely ever occurred here b4 this year (so rare in fact that in the past u would even get screencapped and given a nickname if u acted that way. Pic related - behold the origin of "faganon" and his many SAGEs!) xd

>thank u for everything u do, mod-sama (´∇`)!
Np wink
Why does viewing that screencap make me wanna write really shitty yaoi
now i wish i joined sooner, why are the new ppl so angry (;´Д`)
Probably because they're from 4chan or wherever else and expect heyuri to be exactly the same but with a different name closed-eyes2
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>Why does viewing that screencap make me wanna write really shitty yaoi
I'm way ahead of you (although this is actually faganon being pegged by awwfag) biggrin
I said WRITE so technically i win! biggrin
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You're fine as you're now. You can talk with more enthusiastically too OP nyaoo-closedeyes

Actually invite more young girls on our way if you're able to plz. We can make flyers for you to hang in girls bathrooms in your middle schools!


It's not surprising that there are some users complaining about the situation, I didn't do a through check on their other posts but I don't think most of them are ill-intended partyp00pers. It's just that they aren't used to Heyuri having posters like her, which has only been that way since a little before they found this site rolleyes
If angel chooses to stick around, I believe they'll get used to the situation soon enough and start enjoying Heyuri the way it is
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>No more board dominationz allowed by a single user
So this rule no longer applies?
It does, and for the record I deleted some threads of the other underage girl where it applied few days ago and banned two others (though one of the bans was for probably accidentally breaking R8).
Angel-chan isn't acting in a way that would call for deletions ヽ(´ー`)ノ
>Angel-chan isn't acting in a way that would call for deletions
He is extremly annoying though dark
>He is extremly annoying though
NO U smile
>we can make flyers to hang in your school bathrooms!
One of us is arab.. Cant imagine many people would join sweat2
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On the contrary, many Heyurians are... well, maybe not Arabs but they're definitely Muslims! So there's probably some overlap... I think... (⌒∇⌒ゞ)

Those votes are more likely to be from Turks, in all honesty.
unlikely, English speaking turks on the internet aren't muslims
i might start 2! this imageboard seems really nice and what i wanted it to be liek, i also might start using my name instead of anon so u guys can tell its me biggrin

>we can make flyers for you to hang in girls bathrooms in your middle schools!

actually im in highschool Σ(´∀`;)...
Honestly id start doing that too, but i don't want people to know that my mistakes are mine,,,
the mods whiteknighting this one "girl" is really sad. Please tell me how posts like "omg XDDD i just bought ice cream lole :3 pls add me on discord btw" x50 is quality ( ´,_ゝ`)

>actually im in highschool
That werks too 4 me, if I remember right high school is when loli's chippai start turning into small pointy oppai! Invite lots of them!
And yes, we liek namefags. Consider getting a tripcode too if you want to:
read: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Tripcode

You have my encouragement to start using! biggrin

To give u a serious reply, Heyuri isn't about "quality". GB2 srsbsns altchan!
Anon, please be careful and patient with the post button! (;゚Д゚)
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(s)he deleted her double post as I did the other one sweat2
here it is
I know these two, they havent been on heyuri long enough to know about the cp spam
I dont get why people are mad to the point of trying to troll closed-eyes2 spaceheyers arent gonna have incredible knowledge of how you personally use teh site,,
Using the name colum on an imageboard feels weird by teh way dizzy
The main point made in that post (besides POST MOAR) is wrong anyways. See the link @ >>65659
We liek name users biggrin
OHH my bad i somehow didnt understand what that second bit was saying, i didnt learn english for 8 years to see grammar like that cry
Don't worry about something like that. Having barely conversational English skillz is the norm here 😄
Not throwing too much shade here, But I remember when that poll was starting out and the majority like 90% of heyuri users were religious Either Christian or Muslim. Now that numbers gone down and a swarm of party poopers are here.
>when that poll was starting out and the majority like 90% of heyuri users were religious Either Christian or Muslim. Now that numbers gone down and a swarm of party poopers are here
Damn, those kuffars!!1 angry

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