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File: annoying LARPing.png
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Is annoying LARPing a bannable offense?
is he the same guy posting the scat?
Kaguya is taking a cat-nap
>is he the same guy posting the scat?
No, but 65573, 65574, 65575, and 65578 ITT are all using Tor, as is the scat poster (who posted the same thing twice yesterday while they were fucking around with the bump order) closed-eyes2

The only "bannable offenses" going on here is the "I hate people that use names on the internet" fag (OP) shitting the place up, and the s*yjak raider
Hey don't blame me, I only posted No.65578
Main wiki page is still fux0rd
Wiki got raided mod-sama! astonish
>using Tor
I thought everyone on Heyuri was using TOR unsure I remember mod (or kaguya) even encouraging it
>Wiki got raided mod-sama!
Kaguya is dealing with it since I don't have any l33t powars on teh wiki sweat2

>I thought everyone on Heyuri was using TOR unsure I remember mod (or kaguya) even encouraging it
I've only encouraged VPNs personally. Most users post with seemingly bare IPs, then 2nd place is VPN/proxy users - Tor users are pretty rare, and from my observations it's primarily to cause trouble / facilitate ban evasion sweat3
well that was the lamest raid glare1

kinda difficult to use TOR with all the spam and shennanigans going on and people abusing it cry
please dont treat all TOR posters the same we're not all bad you know cry
There's too much abuse coming from TOR, s0z about the blocking. I feel bad for the users using it with a good faith
I do encourage using Tor/VPNs if you can afford it, but there is a good reason why a lot of Web 2.0 sites block interactions from TOR.
there must be some way of making Heyuri tor friendly while keeping out the undesirables. The way CP spam is being posted makes me believe its not automated. I've heard a janitor from another site say they think someone is manually posting that stuff and not using tor.

it would be a shame if Heyuri bans tor users Stallman wouldn't be able to visit our site cry

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