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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
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Am i the only one who thinks these last Cytube streams have felt diferent?
I think we should let the concept rest for a while and let it make a big comeback
felt fine to me, we're finishing the last episode up right now
can you describe what you mean?
Any recurrent event, sooner or later, will lose some of the shine. I think we've reached that point.
The streams don't have that special feeling of "i have to be there" because you know that this is just another one like the six or seven that there have been before. And in streams that were attended by a similar number of people (and with the same people, in fact) we got a lot more things that ended up ingrained in our culture
I don't really watch anime much so the stream exposes me to shows I would never have considered watching and they all have been really good so far except the ninja one last time, though I had to leave half way through so maybe it got better that fucking yellow ball guy was just so god dam annoying i just wanted to see sexy ninja girls!!!!!!
this, also it's really nice talking to people from the board even if it doesnt produce as much OC
Don't minimize teh efforts I put in to make today's stream happen and to attend it!! angry
>it's really nice talking to people from the board even if it doesnt produce as much OC
Ok, but let's ask ourselves why it doesn't produce as much OC now.
Cuz pez is the one who normally makes teh cytube OC and he wasn't present smile
I had a good time and you're just a whiner. biggrin
Pez wasn't the only one who made OC. Even if he was, it goes beyond that. Other streams gave us things like piseen time, turning /b/ upside down, Don't Stop The Music, Mayumin-chan being a shotacon or stupid running gags that got formed in the chat like the spaghetti stuff or Gaben in Genshiken. Things that catch on with or without big edits because of the ambient that was created
I'm not whining. This is the board for meta discussion. If i make a thread like this it isn't to undermine anybody's effort, but out of care for this site
i love brown kagy
I think it's just ur perspective OP. A contrary person could dismiss piseen time as someone simply pissing in a bottle, turning /b/ upside down as a simple csshax, Don't Stop The Music as simply being a catchy song with a fun name, Mayumin-chan being a shotacon is something I didn't think was notable (Maybe I was the contrary one for this one xd)

In a similar way I think the drawing/magazine OC and ninjas being Heyurizens was WIN points from the last stream. Kure-nai was a change in pace since it had an heavier plot than usual, but still it was fun to watch with Heyuri. Murasaki-chan turning the main character into a lolicon was LOL-worthy to say biggrin
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Vote for more zany and comedic anime next time then. Like Dokuro-chan!
Dokuro-chan isn't ranking very high right now. Part of the reason is we prioritize shows that we haven't watched yet for teh nominations, and a lot of us has already watched Dokuro-chan
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I can see streams leading to stale predictability where we end up in a tunnel consuming the exact same content we already know we'll like. Where is the spontaneity? I say branch out, watch stuff without even bothering to tell us what we'll be seeing in advance. It could be a Schwarzenegger movie or hot steamy hentai or the Turkish version of the Exorcist. We'll come to the streams not knowing what to expect. Why not deliberately watch objectively awful anime for a change? Stuff that's so bad the joy is in mocking it. Why not do anniversary streams for prominent directors and animators? So we could do a Kurosawa stream or a Miyazaki stream on their birthday or something seasonal like Silent Night Deadly Night for Christmas or a pink film for Valentines day.

Just change the format and the content to make it less predictable. Instead of voting find some other contrived novelty to raise the stakes.
>Where is the spontaneity?
Aren't the votes based on shows we haven't watch, but want to? That's spontaneous, I think. I'm confused what you mean.
All of those "alternatives" listed sound TEH BORING to me, unlike anime. Anime is the ultimate medium one could watch. It's your problem if you don't like it!
*except for hot steamy hentai, which we've actually watched before...
what about porn?
what if we watched densha otoko
Hmm now there's an idea. But do we watch the movie or the home drama series?
As a heyuri newb I don't have a strong opinion, but I think the impact of the stream depends a lot on the circumstances, liek the content of the show and the time of the year.

But that's fine.
I don't think every stream has to be a major cultural event, just like not every thread has to be an epic OC goldmine. It's not always about how much OC has been produced, but also how much LOLZ was had. iyahoo and I'd miss the streams a lot if we stop them

That being said, I get your point, OP. We don't want it to get boring, but I believe it's still too early too maek the call.
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let's face it guys we haven't seen any good anime since kuuchu buranko. kaguya keeps telling us that he wasn't the one who chose anime but I think his taste sucks dark

You can see the nomination standings from here, it gives an idea about the next show we're going to watch: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Talk:Anime_Nominations
*if we go with one that's marked as (short), we will just combine it with another short anime to make up.
Most of teh nominations were made by me (including Kuuchuu Buranko), but it's Heyuri users as a whole who voted on which ones they wanted 2 watch - so if u haet teh shows, u can blame Heyuri users! biggrin

And most pplz who made it to the end of the shows - where we offer our scores/opinions - appeared to have enjoyed most of the shows we've watched so far nyaoo-closedeyes
>>65517 This is worth noting too.
We tend to watch shows that majority is simply interested in the plot, not the shows we're sure that we would find good.
can we watch the rapeman next time? ph34r
I added it to the list ヽ(´ー`)ノ

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