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mod sama please remove cp

tor users gonna get banned now for a few hours cry
remove 82046
Please delete 82209 and 82210 on Off-Topic, mod-sama.
mods pls remove 82524!
Please delete 82572. fuck spam-kun
All gone. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
But it'll be back soon enough. I mute the bot but it just hops on another proxy and keeps spamming.
Strangely enough this is a first; I've never seen it exclusively target threads before.
I've seen that before on other imageboards and it seems to spam the same images and links. I wonder who's behind all this? unsure
CP ad spam plz delete >>84132
CP bot-kun is going crazy in that thread for some reason - I must have baleeted the same spam post in that thread about 6 times now unsure
A janitor on another site told me they think CP bot-kun is actually posting manually with a VPN from a third world country. Someone is getting paid to do this. No idea why.
>A janitor on another site told me they think CP bot-kun is actually posting manually with a VPN from a third world country. Someone is getting paid to do this. No idea why.
There's reason to believe it's at least somewhat manual - sometimes before the spam itself is posted, the same IP will post something like "nnkdjfngd" in a random thread using sage, seemingly to test if their IP is b& or not unsure

They'll usually hit tons of other imageboard-related sites (including Japanese/non-English ones) all at the same time - usually multiple boards on those sites - so I still believe there's some level of automation involved. Money has to be involved somewhere, but I also half-suspect it's some form of government agency honeypot or a test to see how responsive/responsible a site's moderation is (given the imageboard format's long-held reputation) unsure
creepy dark
>test to see how responsive/responsible a site's moderation is
I always though about that when it comes to more underground forms it seems cp is posts as almost a challenge for it to be taken down.
if this is the case i wish fbi or whoever is responsible would pick a more savory method
Theres gonna be more cp spam soon since its in thid threar, might as well nip it in the bud
Weird hoe this time its just on individual threads and not just spam, delete anyway please if havent already
Back in the first thread, ban whatever ip hes spamming from now closed-eyes2
In this thread, please delete
just checked jp and there's one there too
i got it friend ヽ(´ー`)ノ
88023 and 88021 are cp, right?
I'm all in favor 4 oc, but ocp (original child porn) is kinda problematic, right? unsuremona2
What makes you think it's cp? It's impossible to verify
I think if we don't give a benefit of doubt here we wouldn't evar have camwhores. Either way I think he looks old enough to not cause us troubles.
Doesn't look underageb& to me
On an ethical level it probably isn't any worse or better (however you could make cp better ethically is beyond me) but on a not wanting to get shut down by the powers that be level it's probably worse as it likely makes the site look worse.

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