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I think I just need a refresher about this kinda thing. If it's clearly not actual CP (doll), but it looks like it (real life picture), it can still stay up, or...? What's the standing? Thanks.
Firstly, it's 3DCG (computer-generated 3D art), not a doll or real-life pic

3DCG loli has nevar been b& on Heyuri, but it's nevar really been posted either, so I dunno. It's up 2 kaguya and teh laws of Atlantis unsure

I left it up since it's kinda hawt and I dunno kaguya's policy on it, but I B& OP for promoting his kuso paysite (as he has done many times here in teh past)
Additional point: kaguya also operates teh current iteration of gurochan, which has a 3DCG board containing nekkid loli & shota in varying states of intactness biggrin
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3DCG lolis aren't banned per se, except the ultra realistic AI stuff (which I believe we didn't get so far), because they may cause sum issues. They're banned on GUROchan's 3DCG board as well.

You can delete ads for any kind of paysite, but u may also choose not to if ur b0ner thinks the image is hawt nyaoo-closedeyes

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