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why was the "is anyone here married?" thread autosaged along with the "New Rules Of The Internet" thread and "I have a date with a girl tomorrow, but I have a fever" thread?
You missed "What would you say to her" one
When I feel like most of the active threads kind of sux/blog-ish, I do that so more fun threads would receive more attention
The rules of internet thread specifically could be fun, but OP's "rules" weren't fun/some of them being Rule 7-ish (like the pronouns one)
>OP's "rules" weren't fun/some of them being Rule 7-ish (like the pronouns one)
I got teh feeling that thread was made by social media addict-kun as a way to rant about social media users sweat2
I wish you guys would be more trustful of users of this site. If a thread sucks like you said, then naturally it wouldn't receive any bumps, no need to autosage or remove it.
those threads would have been self-bumped, so ignoring them would have left them on teh front page for quite some time. I don't believe self-bumps are disabled on heyuri, so autosage is needed if they are to be cleared away without outright deleting them.
and when it comes to trust, it is not so simple as being hands-off. when running a small site that's focused on maintaining a certain culture and quality, it is necessary for the admins to walk a fine line between exerting enough force to prevent newcomers or existing users from shifting the culture into an undesired direction and being hands-off enough to avoid stifling the users. the site admins handle teh balance well enough.
I am one of teh janitors, so you may think that because of that I am biased towards the staff. however, the reason I volunteer to be a janitor and clean up teh CP and teh spambots and teh soyjaks is because I love heyuri for what it is and because I believe in staff-sama's vision for what it should be. smile
sorry for teh longpost but my earnest feelings got in the way ( ´ω`)
>If a thread sucks like you said, then naturally it wouldn't receive any bumps
That's not true at all - any experience with a laissez-faire website will prove that theory wrong very quickly sweat2

The only reason Heyuri is any different to ur average imageboard website today is cuz all the usual dreary crap & party-p00ping AIDS gets autosage'd/CSS hax'd/removed by Heyuri staff-san

The internet is a big toilet - if u don't flush it occasionally, it just fills up with p00p (and not teh hawt kind) biggrin
You can't enforce laws according to what might happen, haven't you seen Minority Report? closed-eyes
Mr. tourist doesn't know how we take care of things here. Let's enlighten him

i see oldfaggots have found this thread

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