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Ok, now why was this thread deleted? (I'm not the OP btw, just the replier). Is making fun of blacks now political?
You know we can see IPs and look up to see if they're Tor exit nodes (which the OP of that thread, the reply, and ur OP here are), rite? closed-eyes2
you didn't answer the question
and no, I'm not the OP, I also want to know why it got removed
>I also want to know why it got removed
1. It's a thinly-veiled "whites > blacks" thread
2. It was made shortly after one (or more) users had already been B& over 9000 times for posting Rule 7 crap - a recurring trend lately that both kaguya and I had independently noticed and been attempting to mitigate (to little avail, clearly)
3. kaguya flipped a coin on whether to delete it or autosage it, and "delete it" won so he deleted it xd

Regarding the reason why we sometimes avoid commenting on these kinds of "why was x deleted/banned" posts - it's because lately a certain user (or users) have repeatedly been trying to stir up trouble using the following routine:

1. Make an obviously and intentionally rule-breaking post (such as posting /pol/ material, bringing up trans crap, being an asshole towards other Heyuri users, etc.) that gets rightfully deleted and/or gets the user banned
2. (Optional) Repeatedly repost the rule-breaking post (or something similar to it) over and over by using a VPN/Tor, getting banned and having their posts deleted each time
3. Complain on Site Discussion that their post has been unjustly removed or that they've been unfairly banned, demanding an explanation (also capitalizing on any mistake that the staff-san may have made while frantically trying to play whack-a-mole with the rule-breaker, plus posts from other users who are wondering what's going on)
4. Deny any wrongdoing, often by using the fact their post is longer readable to their advantage
5. Claim "the mods" (o hai 4chan!) are "too strict", "unjust", "going rogue", "on their period", "getting pissy", etc.
6. Comb through anything that Heyuri staff-san posts in response (having made the critical error of feeding the troll) to find "gotchas", using their willingness to communicate and desire to be transparent against them
7. Return to start

This has happened more times than I could count now - often by the same handful of repeat rulebreakers who are seemingly on some kind of personal mission to force their miserable crap onto Heyuri. It's freaking tiring, and rarely worth the hassle of responding to - especially if the user(s) you'd be responding to were posting in bad faith to begin with

I wanna spend my time on Heyuri having fun - making posts and working on kewl OC & new site features, while helping to clean up the occasional spam and drive-by rulebreakers - and that's mostly how things were until relatively recently. But these days I'm having to deal with this retarded time-wasting crap from disingenuous butth0les on a near-daily basis, otherwise Heyuri gets inundated with rule-breaking posts and loses the thing that makes it special - the absence of nu-internet garbage dark
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I think this is a troll because >>65303 is the same IP as >>65302 who claims his posts are often "unjustly removed" and comes to this board to complain after breaking rules - same as the OP shown in this thread's OP image, which he claims to not be a different person from. Even if they really are different people who aren't deliberate just attempting to party poop, they are both unwilling to learn our rules and act accordingly anyways.

I am locking the two threads and we will delete if you make any more threads. It's waste of our energy to explain you the obvious.
b4 I lock, I wanted to say this (which is the "waste of our energy" I mentioned) is all true including the flipping the coin part nyaoo-closedeyes

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