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The whole thread reeks of rule 7, not sure why the mod haven't deleted it yet

Prussian Blue were a popular topic back in the day, although the timing of OP's thread is questionable considering there's been a lot of other Rule 7-breaking posts made recently...

>Mod only deletes things he doesn't like
*when they break teh rules nyaoo-closedeyes
あ, someone baleeted that post so now it looks liek I baleeted it (;´Д`)
You allow rule 7 posts that you like and delete those you don't. The post I tried to repeatedly post and you always delete isn't rule 7, or at least isn't rule 7 any more than all the other posts in that thread
that "someone" was the guy zealously spamming actual Rule 7 stuff in that thread sweat2
As I said, it wans't rule 7 any more than the thread itself or all the posts in that thread
This is getting ridiculous. Can you at least explain how is my post rule 7 or how other posts in that thread aren't?
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The thread itself isn't Rule 7, your post is trying to direct it to that way. I don't know enough to comment on if that term is really political, but that doesn't really matter if noone besides you cared smile

Constantly breaking the rules & evading your ban, spamming the same comments after they are getting deleted, then complaining on this board each time asking for "an explanation" won't get you anywhere.
>evading your ban
What am I supposed to do when my posts are deleted without any explanation when they don't even really b0rk teh rules as far as I know? You are very unresponsive on /q/ so I doubt you'd respond if I asked after teh first time
>What am I supposed to do when my posts are deleted
For beginners, don't repost the same post over and over while it gets you B& each time sweat2
I have to agree with anon here. Everytime I feel like my posts have been unjustly removed and I come here to ask the reason why, moderator-san just gets pissy about it instead of answering the question.

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