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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
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Hey, while I was browsing [up] I noticed several files that fall under Rule 8, most notably party faces and greentext stories in the form of .txt files.
https://up.heyuri.net/user/kuz/ (kuz029.png)
Is Rule 8 not enforced on [up] or were these somehow left up unintentionally?
2ちゃん (AKA up, 2ch.sh, and 2ch.cx) used to be a seperate website owned by a guy called Nakura. He advertised it here when he launched it, and it had an emphasis on being anonymous with basically zero moderation except for illegal things and malware

It was soon pretty much exclusively used by Heyuri, and it began to follow Rule 8 after a poll suggesting the idea was held in October 2021. Nakura then disappeared around late October/November 2021, and has not been heard from since (COINCIDENCE????👽)

Since we generally don't apply new rules to older posts/materials retroactively (cuz it's a laem thing to do), Rule 8 only applies to files uploaded from that point onwards - which is around file number 1900 on Everything. For that matter, Heyuri's Rule 8 also didn't include anything about "greentext" or misusing the quotes until November 2022, and 2ちゃん only moved to the heyuri.net domain last month in August 2023

It's never been discussed whether Heyuri's rules apply to the user boards or not, which are still effectively as unmoderated as they've always been - which hasn't been a big problem since they've hardly been used in the past 2 years sweat2

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