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would it be possible to have multi-image-posting functionality? so we could image-dump more efficiently.
today I wanted to dump my Cirno folder, but I didn't feel like posting each and every image one by one.
Multiple images in one post look bad, and implementing some kind of JS to make dumping easier (if even possible) requires development werk
>would it be possible to have multi-image-posting functionality?
Not easily, and it reaks too much of 8chan for mai liking. If there's that many files u wanna share, zip 'em!

>implementing some kind of JS to make dumping easier (if even possible) requires development werk
There used to be popular tools for dumping images back in the day, but they were also popular tools for flooding sweat2

I just use "always noko" + drag & drop for my dump threads
I've always been a bit iffy about multi-image posts... because they've always looked bad when an imageboard has them. I like my precious screen space! (;´Д`)
>so we could image-dump more efficiently.
>today I wanted to dump my Cirno folder
Wait a minute, didn't something like this happen last year?xd
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why not? imageboards are made to share images, after all.
Imageboards are designed for doing everything in a very inefficient and backwards and stupid way. Any improvements are shit and only a reddit0r would want them.
My god... Honestly i am impressed...
>very inefficient and backwards and stupid
That's what I'm all about biggrin

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