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is this R8?
not accusing anyone, just askin'
It is in my book, since "BTFO" is one of the many annoying 2013 /sp/ things that spread to /v/ and then the rest of 4chan
I deleted and issued a warning in that case
I've seen people use it in video games... Idk I think it's just an acronym Beat the fuck out
Liek I said: it started on /sp/, spread to /v/, then spread further

It's one of the defining terms of 2010s 4chan, along with "based/based god" - which I believe also started on /sp/, or was at least popularized there before spreading
i always thought btfo was older than that
>i always thought btfo was older than that
GTFO & STFU are more than a decade older and were far more widespread (same era as WTF, n00b, owned, hax, etc.), so maybe ur mixing it up with those
probably just that

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