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How much of this should we tolerate and how should we handle it?
I went and deleted all of those replies (excluding a few poking fun at the derailment). Had it went on longer, it probably would've been autosaged.

Thanks for bringing this to attention. I've been working on something in the meantime so I haven't been as active for the past few days. closed-eyes2
It was I who brought it to attention, as some political conversation are allowed. In this case it might gone way way to far, but I rather play safe than sorry time to time. Either way, good decision to remove it.
It looked like an interesting, civil discussion until the guy who said "Hitler was a hero against degeneracy". You can tell that's one of 4/pol/'s trad posers
I don't know how much it derailed from the thread's original topic, but if it had spawned in its own thread, i wouldn't have any problem with it (except the parts already mentioned)
It's the job of a good mod to distinguish political discussion and political shitflinging
first post was fine, didnt seem srs at all
I would agree with this Rule 7-wise, but that discussion was more against Rule 1.
For me, fascism is everything that violates and infringes on human rights. Anyone can be a fascist, even a jew, even an arab, even an african or a chinese. A fascist is not always and not necessarily white.
Forced vaccination is also fascism. Those who force the vaccine to be given are violating the Constitution and the Human Rights Convention.
yeah, the new moderators are fucking this up
the few posts were absolutely fine, even because derailing threads has never been prohibited in heyuri
I suggest, next time, before you go rogue and delete like 10 posts off a thread in one single crash, think very hard about it and if it's really worth it
if we keep this up, this website will become totalitarian hellhole in 2024
Hitler was a bad person nosebleed
I meant the first few
I agree, Stalin and Putin too.
/pol/ speech should be banned outright. There's a difference between making arguments in favor of Hitler and shit flinging with buzzwords like "degeneracy" and "hero" with no argument to them don't count as discussion. Also /b/ is a retarded board not suited for mature debate anyway.
Seems like that thread is being derailed again
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I'm starting to think this is the work of a lone saboteur seeking to ensure srs bsns permeates throughout this one thread, if not the entire site. Faganon, is that you?

One thing's for sure, he brings great dishonor to glorious Amerika. To the gulags with him! angry

Whether the pictures are breaking Rule 2 or not, is another matter entirely, so I only deleted the replies that veered into serious business politics.
There is no freedom of speech on this site.
if you don't like the moderation on this site, go to any other imageboard with lighter rules and post there. people can run the sites they own in whatever manner they like, wanting to prevent shitty posts isn't robbing you of your human rights ( ´,_ゝ`)
For clarification are the pics a rule 2 violation? huh
Why crap posts? I expressed my position, opinion, posted girls, gave links to civilized events and activities, as well as scientific facts. Why is this shit? I did not violate the rules of this site, did not hooligan, did not insult, did not humiliate, did not offend anyone.

So, I wonder on what grounds the posts were deleted? I did not violate the rules of the site and the law. We live in a modern world where every action must be based logically.
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>We live in a modern world where every action must be based logically
Heyuri is from the ancient times where boring stuff like "logic" can be safely disregarded for the sake of protecting LOLs
I still think the newbie went overboard
when threads are derailed multiple times its because they are cursed and they should be culled from the site to prevent them cursing other threads
>and shit flinging with buzzwords like "degeneracy" and "hero" with no argument to them don't count as discussion
That was just one out of all those posts. Even the replies to it were completely civil
We need to call the thread exorcist kuz

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