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this was not r8
True, it should have been Rule 7 - my bad
PS: for those who didn't see it, here's an s4s archive showing the image that was baleeted from Off-Topic (twice) - you can see it has the same filename as the one in OP's screencap

one, that post on s4s was made after the post on heyuri
two, imagine banning an imaage because you think it was posted on 4chan
three, why not ban all images of yorsuba , izumi konata , neko-arc , Chino , fumos , ?
>7. Discussions about current news or of political nature are allowed, just do not overdo it.
how was that at-all relevant? there was no discussion about politics or news , its just a picture of a man .
admit that you just don't like my picture
Are you really asking why a tranny image was deleted and anime/otaku related weren't? I think you got a wrong imageboard, unless you're a sharty refugee. Iirc they always said that Heyuri was full of trannies (how ironic)
no jokes allowed on my random board!!!
Aren't jokes supposed to be funny?
I found that 4chan post AFTER deleting those images and banning u for them - it had nothing to do with the deletions/ban, I was just using that link to show other users what was posted so they can see why teh b& was justified. I could tell it was from 4chan due to the filename, so I searched a few archives to find it, and didn't feel liek posting it myself closed-eyes2

Quoting kaguya's post on teh front page:
>Ban discussions about Trans stuff: Internet is full of this discussions for the past decade, we don't want it to spill to Heyuri. This became a very politicized topic anyways, so Rule 7 is now more strictly enforced for this topic. The only exception is when the topic is the gender of a fictional characters.

Lame smartphone selfie images were already borderline Rule 8 to begin with depending on their contents, but anything prominently including social/political-type tranz0rs-related material for no good reason = Rule 7. See >>64706 4 moar details and past discussions
>Lame smartphone selfie images
>anything prominently including social/political-type tranz0rs-related material for no good reason
was 4 lolz
>full of this discussions for the past decade, we don't want it to spill to Heyuri.
I'm bored of hearing about it too

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